The Black Cat Questions on The Fire
The Black Cat
The beginning and inciting events in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Black Cat."
The beginning of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Black Cat" introduces the narrator, who confesses his love for pets and his descent into alcoholism. The inciting event occurs when, in a drunken rage, he...
The Black Cat
Why did one wall remain after the fire in "The Black Cat"?
In "The Black Cat," one wall remains after the fire to symbolize supernatural vengeance or the narrator's guilt. The narrator attempts to rationalize the wall's survival and the cat's image on it...
The Black Cat
What event from "The Black Cat" validates the wife's superstition about cats?
The superstition of the narrator's wife in "The Black Cat" that cats are witches in disguise seems to be proved correct when their house catches fire the night after the narrator kills Pluto by...
The Black Cat
Narrator's Relationship with Pluto in "The Black Cat"
In Edgar Allan Poe's "The Black Cat," the narrator's relationship with his cat, Pluto, deteriorates due to his alcoholism. Initially affectionate, the narrator becomes abusive to his pets and wife as...
The Black Cat
What clues does "The Black Cat" give about the fire's origin?
In "The Black Cat," the origin of the fire is ambiguous and left open to interpretation. The narrator, who is unreliable due to his madness and guilt, suggests several possibilities: it could be...