The Bible Questions and Answers

The Bible

The name Shadrach means "command of the moon god," Meshach means "who is Aku," and Abednego means "slave of the god Nebo." These are new names the three Israelites are given when they move to...

1 educator answer

The Bible

David likely wrote Psalm 23 during his kingship, which began over the tribe of Judah in 1000 BC and extended over the whole of Israel in 993 BC. Many scholars believe that David composed the psalm...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The Bible does not explicitly name the Amalekites' chief deity, but it is likely that they worshipped Baal, the principal god of the Canaanites, as suggested by their shared habitation in the...

1 educator answer

The Bible

Matthew presented evidence reconciling the Old Testament prophecies with the life of Jesus demonstrating that Jesus was the Messiah. The main message of the Gospel of Matthew is that Jesus is the...

1 educator answer

The Bible

Genesis 1 and 2 narrate God's creation of the world, but they differ in style, details, and perspective. Genesis 1, believed to be written later, employs a poetic and elevated language, repeatedly...

2 educator answers

The Bible

There are 915 verses in Proverbs, which is a book located in the Old Testament of the Bible.

2 educator answers

The Bible

The men at the Nazareth synagogue were upset with Jesus because he declared himself anointed by God, suggesting he was a major prophet or the Messiah, as described in Luke 4:16-22. This claim seemed...

1 educator answer

The Bible

In Luke 1:67-79, Zechariah's prophecy occurs during John the Baptist's circumcision. Initially mute for his disbelief, Zechariah speaks of two main themes after regaining his voice. First, he...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The book of Proverbs contains 31 chapters. Each chapter contains 20–35 wise sayings known as proverbs.

1 educator answer

The Bible

In "The Parable of the Good Samaritan," the three people who encountered the wounded man were a priest, a Levite, and a Samaritan. The priest and the Levite both saw the man but passed by on the...

3 educator answers

The Bible

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John each portray Jesus differently to emphasize various aspects of his life and teachings. Matthew presents Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, Mark focuses on Jesus...

4 educator answers

The Bible

The word "makor" means "source," as in a source of water.

1 educator answer

The Bible

The setting of the parable of the prodigal son symbolizes the kingdom of God. It is set in a wealthy family to represent God's richness and the inheritance He offers. The father's wealth parallels...

2 educator answers

The Bible

Cain killed Abel out of jealousy because God favored Abel's offering over his. The quote "Sin is lurking at the door; its desire is for you, but you must master it" is a warning and instruction from...

1 educator answer

The Bible

There are thirteen chapters in 2 Corinthians.

1 educator answer

The Bible

Both Eve and Pandora are blamed for unleashing human misery through their curiosity—Eve by eating the forbidden fruit, leading to the fall of man, and Pandora by opening the forbidden box, releasing...

1 educator answer

The Bible

Boaz calls Ruth "my daughter" because it was a common form of address used by an older person to someone younger. The word daughter was also quite commonly used to describe women in general at that...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The phrase "The older shall serve the younger" comes from Genesis in the Bible, referring to the story of Isaac and Rebecca's twins, Esau and Jacob. This prophecy predicted that the older Esau would...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The events of Luke 2:8-20, where angels announce Jesus' birth to shepherds, occur near Bethlehem and are significant for their symbolism. Shepherds, considered lowly and unclean, represent society's...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The four categories of the Old Testament include the Pentateuch, the Historical books, the Poetic and Wisdom writings, and the Prophets, which can be further subdivided into the Major Prophets and...

1 educator answer

The Bible

To put it simply, this statement, commonly referred to as the Golden Rule, tells people to treat others as they would want to be treated themselves, as in, if one wants to be treated a certain way,...

5 educator answers

The Bible

"The Fall of Man" and "The Prodigal Son" share similarities: both Adam and the prodigal son received undeserved gifts and were irresponsible with them, yet both were ultimately forgiven by their...

1 educator answer

The Bible

Jesus sent two disciples to get a colt in Luke 19:28–36 to fulfill Old Testament prophecies, such as Zechariah 9:9, which depict the Messiah riding on a donkey. This action underscores Jesus' role as...

1 educator answer

The Bible

There are twenty-four chapters in the book of Joshua, which is the sixth book of the Old Testament. These chapters establish God as faithful and trustworthy, providing great history of the...

1 educator answer

The Bible

A literary allusion to the parable of the lost sheep can be found in Moby Dick, where the captain of The Rachel seeks help from Captain Ahab to find a missing whale boat carrying his 12-year-old son....

1 educator answer

The Bible

Paul wrote to the Corinthians after hearing that the church he had established in Corinth had fallen into deep quarrels and divisions. His letters provide guidance for the members of the church in...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The anagogical sense of Scripture refers to a spiritual interpretation that "leads upward," focusing on the heavenly or eternal significance of biblical events, such as viewing manna as spiritual...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The Pharisees wanted Jesus to rebuke his disciples because they were acclaiming him as the king and Messiah, which the Pharisees considered blasphemous. This event occurs in Luke 19:39, not 19:41-44,...

1 educator answer

The Bible

Hebrews 6:10–12 in the New Testament of the Bible focuses on the importance of faith in times of crisis. An example of this is medical personnel during the current pandemic having to persevere...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The scribes and Pharisees were enraged because Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath, which they viewed as a violation of the law requiring the day to be kept holy and free from work. Their anger stemmed...

1 educator answer

The Bible

John Keats' poem "Ode to a Nightingale" contains a notable allusion to the Biblical story of Ruth. In the poem, Keats references Ruth standing "in tears amid the alien corn," highlighting her sense...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The biblical story of Ruth takes place around 1300 BCE.

1 educator answer

The Bible

In the Bible, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego honor God by adhering to a specific diet He instructed them to follow and by refusing to bow down to the image of the king at certain times. They...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The author of "The Song of Songs," also known as "The Song of Solomon," is traditionally attributed to King Solomon. This is suggested by the opening verse, "The Song of songs, which is Solomon's,"...

1 educator answer

The Bible

After Jesus called Levi, Levi immediately left everything to follow Him, symbolizing the call to follow Jesus without reservation. Levi then hosted a banquet for Jesus, inviting friends, including...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The prodigal son's goal in leaving home may have been influenced by his desire for independence and self-worth. Feeling overshadowed by his successful father and older brother, he likely wanted to...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The Gospel of Mark stresses the need for Jesus to suffer and die on the cross. In fact, every part of the suffering of Jesus is chronicled by Mark in his gospel.

3 educator answers

The Bible

The Ten Commandments remain significant in modern society as they provide a moral framework that aligns with many universal principles. While the first four commandments focus on one's relationship...

2 educator answers

The Bible

In Psalm 23, the metaphor of the Lord as "my Shepherd" and the speaker as a lamb clarifies their relationship by illustrating the Lord's role as provider, protector, and caretaker. The Shepherd leads...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The Yarmuk River is not explicitly mentioned in the Old Testament. However, nearby geographical locations, such as Lo Debar, are referenced, as seen in 2 Samuel 9:1-8. Lo Debar is located east of the...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The scribes and Pharisees' reactions to Christ's crucifixion varied. While the New Testament provides limited details, it suggests most scribes and Pharisees might not have been significantly...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The Parable of the Prodigal Son should not be taken literally as it is a fictional story used to convey deep spiritual truths. Parables, like this one, are designed to communicate complex religious...

6 educator answers

The Bible

Apocalyptic literature in the Bible, particularly in the book of Revelation, features symbolic imagery, visions, and prophecies about the end times. It often includes themes of divine judgment,...

2 educator answers

The Bible

The parable of the Prodigal Son is told to a Jewish audience, and in so doing Jesus challenges their notion of forgiveness. It is a story that shows the father's unconditional love for his son who...

1 educator answer

The Bible

The son's longing to eat pig food in "The Parable of the Prodigal Son" signifies his extreme degradation and poverty. In Jewish tradition, pigs are considered unclean, highlighting how far he has...

1 educator answer

The Bible

Genesis 4:7 does not refer to a specific sin but warns against the sinful attitude of harboring anger and resentment. God advises Cain to master his emotions and do what is right, implying that...

2 educator answers

The Bible

Most scholars agree that the book of Romans was written between late 55 and early 57 CE.

1 educator answer

The Bible

John introduces Jesus in his Gospel with a mystical and theological approach, highlighting Jesus as the "Word" or "logos," which signifies a cosmic mediator and embodiment of truth and love. This...

1 educator answer

The Bible

Paul wrote his letter to the Romans to personally introduce himself to the Roman Church, to solicit the help of the Roman Christians in his upcoming mission to Spain, and to address a pastoral issue,...

1 educator answer

The Bible

In each of the Psalms listed, the Hebrew God is praised and exalted. However, they are each unique. Psalm 8 establishes the order of God and man, providing clarity and security for readers. Psalm 23...

1 educator answer