The Bet Questions on The Lawyer's Note
The Bet
The character and transformation of the lawyer in Anton Chekhov's "The Bet"
In Anton Chekhov's "The Bet," the lawyer initially seeks wealth and prestige, agreeing to fifteen years of solitary confinement for a large sum of money. Over time, he transforms, finding solace and...
The Bet
The content and impact of the lawyer's letter on the banker in Chekhov's "The Bet."
The lawyer's letter in Chekhov's "The Bet" reveals his renunciation of material wealth and worldly desires after years of solitary confinement. This letter profoundly impacts the banker, who is...
The Bet
Why does the banker weep after reading the lawyer's note in "The Bet"?
The banker weeps after reading the note of the lawyer because he feels "contempt" for himself.
The Bet
Why did the banker in "The Bet" lock the lawyer's letter in a fireproof safe?
In "The Bet," the banker puts the letter in the safe as a token of proof that he is absolved of any financial obligation toward the lawyer.