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Booklist 96 (February 15, 2000): 1073. A review of Seamus Heaney’s Beowulf.

Brodeur, Arthur G. The Art of “Beowulf.” Berkeley: University of California Press, 1960. From the starting point of belief in a singular author having written Beowulf, this volume provides a structural and thematic criticism of the work. It discusses diction, unity, setting, and Christian elements. A landmark reference.

Goldsmith, Margaret E. The Mode and Meaning of “Beowulf.” London: Athlone Press, 1970. This book revises earlier discussions of Christian allegory in Beowulf. An attempt is made to prove the text to be an extended Christian allegory. A classic examination of the manuscript’s Christian hero pitted against evil.

The New York Review of Books 47 (July 20, 2000): 18. A review of Seamus Heaney’s Beowulf.

The New York Times Book Review 105 (February 27, 2000): 6. A review of Seamus Heaney’s Beowulf.

Nicholson, Lewis E. An Anthology of “Beowulf” Criticism. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1963. This early volume saves hours of searching through scholarly journals by presenting a comprehensive collection of widely recognized articles. It covers over two dozen aspects of the text from allegory to zoology.

Ogilvy, Jack D. A., and Donald C. Baker. Reading “Beowulf.” Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1983. This work provides a modern and thorough view of the poem. After providing the historical background for the piece, it focuses on a two-part summary of the story and a subsequent analysis of theme, versification, and style. It includes an extensive annotated bibliography as well as many illustrations.

Publishers Weekly 247 (February 21, 2000): 84. A review of Seamus Heaney’s Beowulf.

Time 155 (March 20, 2000): 84. A review of Seamus Heaney’s Beowulf.

Whitelock, Dorothy. The Audience of “Beowulf.” Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1951. A transcription of a series of lectures that concentrates on the poet and audience of Beowulf in their context of early Christianity. There are several references to other scholarly works as well as translations of the actual text. It contains an extensive index.

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