B. F. Skinner

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B. F. Skinner

B.F. Skinner, a leading figure in behaviorism, developed the theory of operant conditioning, which posits that behavior can be shaped through specific procedures. Key components include neutral...

1 educator answer

B. F. Skinner

Unconditioned response – the dog salivation in the presence of food. Evaluation of this answer: A+ = excellent, answer contains all parts of question and is well organized

1 educator answer

B. F. Skinner

Lysosomes in white blood cells break down inhaled second-hand smoke particulates by fusing with them and releasing enzymes. These lysosomes contain over 40 different enzymes, each targeting specific...

1 educator answer

B. F. Skinner

B. F. Skinner's work was considered radical because it shifted focus from abstract psychological concepts like thoughts and feelings to observable behavior and the influence of the environment....

1 educator answer

B. F. Skinner

B.F. Skinner's Learning Theory, specifically operant conditioning, can enhance career performance by using positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors. In a workplace, this involves...

1 educator answer