August Strindberg Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
Criticism: General Commentary
- Collecting the Corpse in the Cargo
- Strindberg's Dream Play Technique
- The Camera and the Aesthetics of Repetition: Strindberg's Use of Space and Scenography in Miss Julie, A Dream Play, and The Ghost Sonata
- The Plans, Drafts, and Manuscripts of the Historical Plays in Strindberg's ‘Green Bag.’
- Strindberg's Advent and Brott och brott: Sagospel and Comedy in a Higher Court
- Perspectives on a Genre: Strindberg's comédies rosses
- Strindberg's History Plays: Some Reflections
- The Politics of the Interior: Strindberg's Chamber Plays
- The Strindbergian One-Act Play
- Strindberg's Early Dramas and Lacan's ‘Law of the Father.’
- Criticism: Fadren (The Father)
- Criticism: FröKen Julie (Miss Julie)
- Criticism: Brott Och Brott (Crimes And Crimes)
- Criticism: DöDsdansen (The Dance Of Death)
- Unreality in Plays of Ibsen, Strindberg and Hamsun
- Strindberg's Queen Christina: Eve and Pandora
- Criticism: PåSke (Easter)
- Fairytale Love Among the Archetypes
- Criticism: Carl Xii (Charles Xii)
- Criticism: Gustav Iii
- Letting Silence Speak of Anguish in Strindberg
- Textual Clues to Performance Strategies in The Pelican.
- Abu Casems tofflor: Strindberg's Worst Play?
- Svarta Handsken (The Black Glove)
- Further Reading