As You Like It Questions on Oliver

As You Like It

In Shakespeare's As You Like It, the play contrasts the hostile relationship between brothers Oliver and Orlando with the transformative setting of the Forest of Arden. Initially, Oliver mistreats...

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As You Like It

In As You Like It, the relationships between Oliver and Orlando, and Duke Senior and Duke Frederick, both involve familial betrayal. Oliver neglects and mistreats Orlando, eventually driving him...

3 educator answers

As You Like It

Oliver considers destroying Orlando due to deep-seated jealousy and resentment. Although Shakespeare does not provide specific reasons for Oliver's hatred, possible motives include envy over...

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As You Like It

Oliver and Orlando have a rather dysfunctional relationship, whereas Celia and Rosalind are almost soulmates.

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As You Like It

Orlando finds Oliver in the Forest of Arden when he stumbles upon him asleep under an oak tree, disguised and vulnerable. Oliver had entered the forest intending to kill Orlando due to a dispute over...

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As You Like It

In Act 1, Scene 1 of As You Like It, Oliver's line "Marry, sir, be better employed, and be naught awhile" is a sarcastic response to Orlando's claim of doing nothing. Oliver is mocking Orlando,...

1 educator answer

As You Like It

Oliver is initially portrayed as jealous and spiteful towards his brother Orlando, depriving him of education and attempting to murder him. His animosity stems from jealousy and perceived competition...

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As You Like It

In Act 1, Scene 1 of As You Like It, Oliver warns Charles the wrestler that if he defeats Orlando in their match, Orlando will seek revenge, potentially even resorting to poison. Oliver suggests that...

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As You Like It

The reconciliation between Orlando and Oliver in Act 4, Scene 2 highlights Orlando's strength in overcoming revengeful urges to save his brother, demonstrating both moral and physical courage....

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As You Like It

Oliver inherits the bulk of his father's estate because he is the eldest son, so he receives his father's estate out of law and custom.

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As You Like It

Charles speaks with Oliver to express concern for Orlando's safety, as he must wrestle Orlando and cannot hold back due to his reputation with Duke Frederick. Charles asks Oliver to dissuade Orlando...

1 educator answer

As You Like It

The relationship between the two brothers in As You Like It is volatile and

1 educator answer

As You Like It

During Orlando and Oliver's meeting in the forest in Act 5, Scene 2 of As You Like It, Oliver reveals he has fallen in love with Aliena, who is actually Celia in disguise. Despite only meeting her...

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