Armistead Maupin Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- More Tales of the City
- Further Tales of the City
- Babycakes
- A Talk with Armistead Maupin
- Significant Others
- Crisis in the Beloved City
- If You Go Down to the Woods Today
- Serial Thriller
- Goodnight, Mrs. Madrigal
- Mainstreaming a Cult Classic
- Out on the Town
- A review of Tales of the City, More Tales of the City, Further Tales of the City, Babycakes, and Significant Others
- City of the Plain and Not So Plain
- Soap without Suds
- From Bath-House to Bleeper
- Sure of You
- Politics, Power and Pride
- Out of the Fog
- Everybody's Beautiful
- Size Matters
- Larger Than Life
- Tweak My Nipple
- A Tale of the '70s
- Further Reading