Anne of Green Gables Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- A Heroine from an Asylum
- ‘Kindred Spirits’ All: Green Gables Revisited
- Sexism Down on the Farm? Anne of Green Gables
- Anne of Green Gables: A Girl's Reading
- Anne of Green Gables: The Architect of Adolescence
- Community and the Individual in Anne of Green Gables: The Meaning of Belonging
- ‘Born of True Love’: Anne of Green Gables.
- Written as Women Write: Anne of Green Gables within the Female Literary Tradition
- L. M. Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables
- The Settler of P.E.I.: The Celtic Influence in Anne.
- The Exceptional Orphan Anne: Child Care, Orphan Asylums, Farming Out, Indenturing, and Adoption
- The Hard-Won Power of Canadian Womanhood: Reading Anne of Green Gables Today
- Further Reading