Amadeus Questions and Answers


In Amadeus, key events include Salieri's discovery of Mozart's genius, his vow to destroy Mozart, and the decline of Mozart's health and career. The climax occurs when Salieri, disguised as Mozart's...

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In the movie "Amadeus," Mozart is nicknamed "Wolfie," his wife Constanze is called "Stanzi," and their son, Franz Xavier Mozart, is referred to as "Wolfgang," which is historically accurate as he was...

1 educator answer


The main conflicts in Amadeus include the professional rivalry between Antonio Salieri and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Salieri's internal struggle with his faith and jealousy, and the broader societal...

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It can be argued that Shaffer's drama Amadeus is, essentially, a modern or postmodern examination of the Age of Reason, as both the thematic representations and the characters arguably reflect...

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Salieri's statement "Goodness is nothing in the furnace of art" in Amadeus reflects the intense and consuming nature of artistic creation, suggesting that personal morality is secondary to artistic...

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Salieri becomes conflicted about his own plans to destroy Mozart and his increasing affection for the composer's works. Nonetheless, he induces Mozart to transcribe the rituals of Freemasonry into an...

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The opening scene of Amadeus dramatically impacts the first act by establishing a gothic, suspenseful mood. Salieri's anguished cries of "Mozart! Mozart!" suggest murder, creating intrigue and...

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The two characters were similar because they both loved music.

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In the movie "Amadeus," Salieri is portrayed as the central figure and protagonist. The narrative focuses on his perspective and his complex relationship with Mozart, highlighting his jealousy and...

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In the movie Amadeus, Salieri faces the challenge of recognizing his own limited musical talent compared to Mozart's genius. Despite his deep love for music, he is burdened by envy and the...

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In Amadeus, Constanze Weber is Mozart's lower-class girlfriend and later his wife.

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Salieri seeks immortality through music by making a bargain with God, rooted in his childhood desire to compose glorious music in God's name. He believes God confirms this bargain by removing his...

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The play "Amadeus" grapples with whether lives should be directed by inner desires or the pursuit of recognition. It suggests that both are crucial: inner desires drive creativity, as seen in Mozart...

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