Alfred Jarry Criticism
Jarry, Alfred (Short Story Criticism)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- A review of The Supermale
- Physics and Pataphysics: The Sources of Faustroll
- Modern Narrative Technique: Jarry, the Pretext
- Faust en Pataphysicien
- Days and Nights, Novel of a Deserter
- Sexual and sporting feats: Messaline and Le Surmâle
- What Is Pataphysics?; or, Turkistan Revisited
- Jarry's The Supermale: The Sex Machine, the Food Machine, and the Bicycle Race. Is It a Question of Adaptation?
- Innovation and Ambiguity: Sources of Confusion in Personal Identity in Les jours et les nuits
- Further Reading
Jarry, Alfred (Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Jarry's Messaline: The Text and the Phoenix
- Raw and Cooked: An Interpretation of Ubu Roi
- Intertextual Interlude: Jarry's Léda
- Machinations of Celibacy and Desire
- Jarry's Theatrical Ideas
- Ubu Roi, Jarry's Satire of Naturalism
- Ubu Rides Again: The Irondale Project and the Politics of Clowning
- Jarry, Ubu and Humour Noir.
- ‘Excuses Madame Rachilde’: The Failure of Alfred Jarry's Novels
- Jarry and Florian: Ubu's Debt to Harlequin
- ‘Celui Qui Dreyfuse’: Alfred Jarry and the Dreyfus Case
- Ubu-en-procès: Jarry, Kristeva, and Semiotic Motility
- Jarry's The Supermale: The Sex Machine, the Food Machine and the Bicycle Race: Is it a Question of Adaptation?
- Innovation and Ambiguity: Sources of Confusion in Personal Identity in Les Jours et Les Nuits.
- The Companion and the Dream: Delirium in Rachilde and Jarry
- Alfred Jarry's Alternative Cubists
- Vaulting Ambitions and Killing Machines: Shakespeare, Jarry, Ionesco, and the Senecan Absurd
- Introduction: Alfred Jarry, From Reading to Writing and Back Again
- Puppetry and Pataphysics: Populism and the Ubu Cycle
- Further Reading