Alexander Hamilton

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Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton feared that a weak federal government would hinder America's economic development and global standing. He was concerned about the limitations of the Articles of Confederation,...

2 educator answers

Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton's political philosophy differed from some founding fathers in his skepticism of democracy and belief in a strong federal government. While sharing Federalist views with others, he...

1 educator answer

Alexander Hamilton

The use of rap and hip-hop in Hamilton effectively modernizes Alexander Hamilton's story and the founding of America by presenting it through a revolutionary musical genre. Lin-Manuel Miranda's...

1 educator answer

Alexander Hamilton

We should continue to remember Alexander Hamilton in the twenty-first century because he was a key figure in the American Revolution and in the founding and shaping of our modern structure of...

1 educator answer

Alexander Hamilton

Hamilton's role as an aide to George Washington during the Revolutionary War significantly advanced his career by providing him with crucial experience in diplomacy, negotiation, and intelligence....

1 educator answer

Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton was crucial for shaping the United States' financial system as the first Secretary of the Treasury under President George Washington. He established the country's financial...

1 educator answer