The Alchemist Characters

The main characters in The Alchemist are Santiago, Fatima, the alchemist, the gypsy woman, the crystal merchant, and Melchizedek.

  • Santiago is a Spanish shepherd who leaves home to discover his Personal Legend.
  • Fatima is Santiago's soulmate, who teaches him about the Soul of the World.
  • The alchemist helps Santiago on his quest for the treasure.
  • The gypsy woman interprets Santiago's dream about the treasure.
  • The crystal merchant offers to help Santiago get back on his feet after he is robbed.
  • Melchizedek, the King of Salem gives Santiago information regarding the location of the treasure in exchange for one tenth of his sheep.

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Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist can be considered a bildungsroman for his protagonist, Santiago. A bildungsroman is a novel in which a relatively innocent young person achieves spiritual, emotional, and psychological maturity.

In the beginning of the story, Santiago is a shepherd. The parallels to a young biblical Joseph and to Christ are evident. Christ calls “each sheep by name” and tenderly cares for their needs. However, like Joseph, Santiago strongly believes he is called for bigger and better things. He has chosen this life rather than the path his father would have preferred for him (that of a priest), but Santiago has reached a point where he is no longer satisfied with what the sheep can teach him. He aims for more, though unsure of what, and this desire propels him to discover his Personal Legend. Like for all people who decide to follow their dreams, however, the choice is not easy. He must leave his life of familiarity and security to pursue the unknown: “I am between my flock and my treasure,” Santiago realizes. He opts for the hope of a more fulfilling life. His rejection of the norm is the first step on his journey to maturity and to true happiness.

Obstacles will be frequent on his journey from Spain to the Egyptian pyramids, where he is told in a vision that his treasure lies. In the introduction to the novel, Coelho outlines four major stumbling blocks that often dissuade people from achieving their dreams. The first obstacle is people who tell others from “childhood onward” that dreams are impossible to achieve. Santiago’s father claims that no one who pursues dreams is ever satisfied. Later, Santiago is urged by the crystal merchant to stay working for him in his shop. The man scoffs, “I don’t know anyone around here who would want to cross the desert just to see the Pyramids. They’re just a pile of stone. You could build one in your backyard.” Later, when the journey is successful and the treasure his, Santiago understands the words of Melchizedek, who cautioned him against believing “the world’s greatest lie”: that people have no control over what happens to them. Santiago chooses to control his own fate by rejecting first the priesthood, then shepherding, then a comfortable but uneventful life in the crystal merchant’s shop as he furthers his spiritual and intellectual growth.

Overcoming obstacles like the skepticism of those close to him is only one set of difficulties with which Santiago must grapple. However, dealing with these relatively minor roadblocks gives him a sense of confidence to face more challenging barriers. Throughout it all, from understanding the nature of love to the real threat of death, Santiago meets every challenge with courage and enthusiasm, his two greatest strengths.

Without courage and enthusiasm, Santiago could never have achieved the seemingly impossible task the alchemist sets for him: becoming the wind. The choice is either to perform as expected or to be killed. In order to become the wind, he has to intimately understand that “all things are one” and thus be able to speak the Language of the World. This unbelievable task is reminiscent of Jesus’s words from the Book of Matthew: “He said to them, ‘Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’”

Communing with the Soul of the World is Santiago’s last test of his spiritual growth. Although he will have to cross the Sahara twice in order to claim his treasure and reclaim his love, Fatima, the path is assured, for he has mastered all of the lessons he needed to learn. His rewards are greater than he could have ever dreamed.

Santiago’s Father

Santiago’s father downplays the achievements of people who have chosen a nontraditional path and tells Santiago that those who look for more than their lot in life are usually dissatisfied. He wants his son, who has had more education than anyone in the family, to make them both proud and financially secure by becoming a priest.

To his credit, however, Santiago’s father does not stand in his son’s way when Santiago refuses to give up his dream. He even gives the boy “three ancient Spanish coins” he had found in a field. The coins themselves represent his blindness to the treasure that is around him, for these coins point the way to the treasure buried in the very church where his son rests at night with his flock.

Merchant’s Daughter

The merchant’s daughter is Santiago’s first infatuation. He had met her on a previous trip to town to sell his sheep’s wool. He longs for the next time he can return and see her again. But when the two reconnect, she is patronizing of his ability to read and does not understand at all why someone who is educated would willingly chose the life of a shepherd. She does not meet the requirements of a true love, one that would support the dreams of their beloved.

Gypsy Woman

The gypsy woman adds an element of the unknown to Santiago’s quest and also helps Santiago identify his own prejudices. Although he seeks her help, he is fearful of the stories he has heard about the criminal lifestyles many gypsies lead.

Santiago is comforted somewhat by a painting of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in her home. The inclusion of her multiple ways of looking at the world are indicative of Coelho’s “all things are one” theme.

Santiago learns only a small bit of information from the gypsy’s interpretation of his dream. She tells him that a child appearing in his dream is to be trusted and that the treasure is literally to be found at the pyramids. Although he is annoyed by her lack of specifics at the time, the gypsy is proven right in the end. The child was himself, he should and did trust that inner child, and the answer to where his tangible treasure was to be found could only be discovered by going to the pyramids.

Melchizedek (The King of Salem)

The character of Melchizedek, also known as the King of Salem, is a character from the Bible who has acted as a mentor to those who seek to follow their dreams. He says cryptically that Santiago has succeeded in discovering his Personal Legend, what people hope most to accomplish in their lifetime. However, he explains, over time people begin to doubt themselves and lose track of their personal quest. Santiago, finally, is on the right path. When one is on this proper path, everything in the universe conspires to help him achieve his goals and realize his destiny.

Melchizedek strikes a deal with the boy: he will tell him more about the location of his treasure, but Santiago must first give him one-tenth of his sheep. He does tell him what he has promised, but he has also taught Santiago a valuable lesson: “Everything in life has its price.” Santiago will think carefully before making deals in the future. Melchizedek teaches not just how to succeed but how to be wise.

Although he is a god-like figure, Melchizedek is humanized when Santiago leaves him. He feels a real love for those whom he has helped and “hoped desperately that the boy would succeed.” But he also understands the transience of human fidelity: “It’s too bad that he’s quickly going to forget my name,” he laments. “I know it’s the vanity of vanities, as you said my Lord. But an old king sometimes has to take pride in himself.”

Crystal Merchant

The crystal merchant is another obstacle that Santiago must overcome in his journey. But as with all obstacles, Santiago takes away valuable lessons from the test. The merchant offers him a job when he is robbed and helps him get back on his feet. However, the man is one who has not listened to his heart and sought his Personal Legend. In postponing his dreams indefinitely, the merchant allows too much time to pass. The man wanted to make a pilgrimage to Mecca but never did. Now he is too old, his friends are gone, and he is too set in his ways. The merchant confesses, “I don’t want to change anything, because I don’t know how to deal with change. I’m used to the way I am.”

Not satisfied with the death of his own dream, the man begins to hate seeing the dream alive in others. He tells Santiago that dreaming of more than a comfortable life is foolish, and for a short time Santiago believes that the man may be right. After all, he was earning a good living, he was comfortable, and the work was not hard. But Santiago is still able to change and the idea of confinement to the shop and this life forever is abhorrent to him. Despite the merchant’s best efforts, Santiago decides to go. The man accepts his decision and teaches Santiago a valuable word in Arabic, “maktub,” meaning “it is written.”

The Englishman

The Englishman serves as a contrast to Santiago’s way of learning. Santiago meets him when the two are preparing to join the caravan. The Englishman is desperately seeking the famous alchemist who is purported to live at the Al-Fayoum Oasis. He thinks that all of his knowledge will be found in books and does not learn from experience the way that Santiago does. When Santiago returns the books he has lent, he reacts in a bitter way, thinking to himself that “his soul must be too primitive to understand those things” found in the learned tomes.

Caravan Leader

The caravan leader is responsible for taking his cargo and people across the brutal and unforgiving Sahara. Like everyone whom Santiago encounters on the journey, the caravan leader has something to teach the young boy. His lesson is patience. When the caravan is within sight of the oasis, Santiago is eager to move forward. But the caravan leader makes him wait. He argues that they all need food and rest before proceeding, and he is right. Santiago will not forget this valuable lesson about respecting his physical needs.


Fatima is Santiago’s soul mate. When the two meet, they feel an instant and undeniable connection. She proves that her love is real by passing the test of true love. True love, Coelho argues, will not stand in the way of those who “genuinely wish us well and want us to be happy.” Fatima passes by insisting that Santiago continue to follow his dream. If their love is really a part of his dream, she says, he will come back to her once it is achieved.

Fatima is also instrumental in teaching Santiago about the Soul of the World. A woman of the desert, she has learned the hard lessons of life but also the interconnection of all things and the eternal nature of time. When she urges Santiago on, she tells him that “those who don’t return become a part of the clouds, a part of the animals that hide in the ravines and of the water that comes from the earth. They become a part of everything….They become the Soul of the World.”

They are both rewarded for her faith. When Santiago finally masters the lessons of life and finds his treasure, he hears Fatima’s voice carried on the wind. The final words of the novel are “I’m coming, Fatima.”

Tribal Leaders

From the tribal leaders, Santiago is reminded that every choice in life has a price. Santiago elects to tell the leaders of his visions of the oasis coming under attack by outside forces. If he is wrong, he will have to pay with his life, but he will be rewarded if he is correct. Santiago has to trust in himself in order to have the strength to withstand such a threat.


Santiago meets the toughest challenge of his journey when he faces the rebel insurgents. They capture Santiago and the alchemist, who claims that Santiago himself is the alchemist and that he can turn himself into the wind. The captors are incredulous, but they grant Santiago three days to prove his abilities.

They represent those challenges that might even take one’s very life in pursuit of one’s Personal Legend. What Santiago learns from this frightening challenge is that the true goal of his pursuit is the journey itself. As the alchemist tells him, dying while trying to realize your dreams is “a lot better than dying like millions of other people who never even knew what their Personal Legends were.”

The Desert, the Wind, and the Sun

These earthly and heavenly elements are characters in their own right as Santiago must learn to speak their language, the Language of the World, in order to enlist their help and succeed in his most dangerous challenge—convincing the insurgents that he is, indeed, an alchemist.

Through meditation, Santiago discovers he can speak to the desert, then the wind, and then the sun. He finds that while these entities bring individual power to the earth, man alone is able to understand and appreciate love. The desert can contribute its volumes of sand, the wind can make the sand a force to be reckoned with, the sun can be everywhere all over the world. But only man can harness the powers of all three of these beings and become better than he is. Love is the power that brings change.

Expert Q&A

Who is Melchizedek and what is his role in the Old Testament?

Melchizedek is a significant figure in the Old Testament, first mentioned in Genesis 14 as a king and priest who blesses Abraham. His name means "King of Righteousness," and he is also called the king of Salem, implying "peace." Melchizedek predates the Hebrew priesthood established by Moses. He is referenced in Psalm 110 as a model for the Messiah's priesthood and in the New Testament, highlighting his enduring symbolic importance.

What are five lessons Santiago learns in The Alchemist?

In The Alchemist, Santiago learns five key lessons: fear is part of a meaningful life, and facing it is essential; recognizing daily wonders prevents monotony; decisive action, rather than indecision, leads to progress; mistakes are vital for growth; and ambition and dreams enrich life, even if not immediately achieved. Additionally, Santiago learns to follow omens, the importance of love in transformation, and that he is part of the Soul of the World, capable of miracles.

In The Alchemist, what does Coelho suggest about love through Fatima's character?

In The Alchemist, Coelho suggests through Fatima's character that true love is supportive and patient. Love does not hinder one's personal journey or dreams. Fatima's willingness to wait for Santiago as he pursues his Personal Legend exemplifies this. She believes in their destined connection and trusts that he will return, demonstrating that love and personal fulfillment can coexist.

What are some personality traits of the Alchemist in The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho?

The Alchemist is kind to Santiago, but he is also a determined teacher who knows that it is only through experience, or action, that one can truly learn about the Soul of the World.

What is Santiago's biggest fear in The Alchemist?

Santiago's biggest fear in The Alchemist is the fear of failure, which manifests as anxiety over making wrong choices that could prevent him from achieving his Personal Legend. He worries about not living up to his potential and failing to embrace something grander in life. Additionally, Santiago fears not living in the present and being hindered by past regrets or future uncertainties. Overcoming these fears is crucial to his journey and personal growth.

What is Fatima's role and physical description in Santiago's journey in Coelho's The Alchemist?

Fatima plays a crucial role in Santiago's journey by embodying true love that supports his pursuit of his personal legend. She nearly leads Santiago to abandon his quest for treasure at the Pyramids, but ultimately encourages him to continue. Fatima's acceptance to wait for Santiago highlights that genuine love is unconditional. Physically, she is described as a beautiful woman with dark eyes and features typical of the desert people.

What evidence shows Santiago's determination and courage in The Alchemist?

Santiago's determination and courage in The Alchemist are evident through his actions and choices. He defies his father's wishes to travel, refuses to give up after being cheated in Tangier, and perseveres despite setbacks. Santiago's resolve to pursue his Personal Legend, even when facing danger and discouragement, highlights his bravery and steadfastness in following his dreams.

Why does Paulo Coelho often refer to Santiago as "the boy" in The Alchemist?

Coelho's "the boy" is a substitute for the actual name of the main character, Santiago. It helps to create a father/son relationship between Coelho and Santiago, so that it doesn't seem as if Coelho is just talking about himself in this story. Yet even though he has achieved his goals, Santiago isn't a man until he fulfills the final task set before him by Fatima.

Which character(s) in The Alchemist have a fixed mindset?

The Crystal Merchant has a fixed mindset, Santiago has a growth mindset.

What events in The Alchemist shape Santiago's view of life?

Santiago's view of life in The Alchemist is shaped by several key events. His money is stolen, prompting self-reflection and resilience. Working for a crystal merchant teaches him about pursuing dreams despite setbacks. Encounters with a gypsy, Melchizedek, and an Englishman reveal life's possibilities beyond fate and knowledge. The alchemist guides Santiago in self-discovery, while thieves push him towards fulfilling his Personal Legend. Santiago learns the universe supports those who pursue their dreams.

How do Santiago's feelings for the merchant's daughter conflict with his choice to be a shepherd?

Santiago's feelings for the merchant's daughter conflict with his choice to be a shepherd because they introduce the idea of settling down in one place, which contrasts with his desire to travel. While his life as a shepherd allows him to explore and experience new adventures, the attraction to the girl makes him consider a more stationary life, highlighting a newfound desire to stay in one place for love.

What are Santiago's father's beliefs about travelers and why are they important to "The Alchemist"?

In "The Alchemist," Santiago's father believes that the travelers have a lot of money and can afford to travel. Amongst his own people, the only ones who can travel are shepherds. This is important to the novel and its message because it inspires Santiago to become a shepherd as well as a very different kind of traveler who will use his wanderings as an opportunity to realize his dreams.

What are three mistakes Santiago makes in Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist?

Santiago makes 3 mistakes, but these aren't mistakes as such, because they are necessary to him achieving his Personal Legend.

In Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, what do we learn about Melchizedek after he leaves?

After Melchizedek leaves Santiago in The Alchemist, it is revealed that he is a divine figure, helping individuals pursue their Personal Legends, similar to his assistance to Abraham. Melchizedek, the king of Salem, takes pride in his role, despite acknowledging the vanity in doing so. His intervention signifies Santiago's fortune in receiving guidance from someone who has aided one of the most significant prophets in religious history.

Why is the Englishman considered Santiago's foil in The Alchemist?

The Englishman serves as Santiago's foil in The Alchemist by highlighting contrasting qualities through their shared goal of seeking a Personal Legend. While both characters are on a similar journey, Santiago is open-minded, trusting, and appreciates the beauty around him. In contrast, the Englishman is focused on book knowledge, exhibits intellectual arrogance, and is wary of others, emphasizing Santiago's strengths and approach to life.

In Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, what does Santiago learn about pursuing his dreams and personal legend?

In his journey, Santiago learns that pursuing dreams and one's personal legend involves enduring hardships and setbacks, but persistence is key. He discovers that despite challenges, perseverance leads to success. Santiago also learns the value of accepting help from others, as guidance from characters like Melchizedek and the Alchemist is crucial to achieving his goals. These lessons underscore the importance of resilience and community in realizing one's dreams.

What does Santiago see in his father's gaze in The Alchemist?

In "The Alchemist," Santiago sees in his father's gaze a deep understanding and shared desire for travel, despite his father having buried this longing due to life's burdens. Santiago's father sympathizes with his son's wish to explore the world, and although he initially cautions Santiago about the sameness of the world, he ultimately supports Santiago's decision to become a shepherd by giving him money and his blessing, revealing his own unfulfilled dreams.

In The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, where does Santiago live?

Santiago lives in the region of Andalusia, Spain, where he moves around with his sheep as a shepherd. Although the specific town he resides in is not mentioned, he travels to the town of Tarifa, located on the southernmost coast of Spain in the province of Cádiz, Andalusia, to meet a gypsy about his recurring dream. Andalusia is an autonomous community in Spain, known for being the most populated and the second largest in area.

What is the key trait of the caravan leader in The Alchemist?

The key trait of the caravan leader in "The Alchemist" is his remarkable patience. This quality is essential for safely guiding a diverse group through the desert. His patience fosters tolerance, allowing him to encourage unity among people of different faiths. By living in the moment, he is protected from fear, which often stems from concerns about the future. His wisdom and experience make him a valuable guide for Santiago and others on their journey.

Challenges Santiago faces and overcomes in The Alchemist

Santiago faces and overcomes numerous challenges in The Alchemist, including physical obstacles like being robbed and having to work at a crystal shop to rebuild his funds. He also confronts emotional and psychological hurdles, such as doubt and fear of failure. His perseverance and faith in his Personal Legend help him navigate and triumph over these adversities.

In Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, what might the main characters symbolize?

The Alchemist is a literary book that is about finding one's personal legend. The main character, Santiago, represents every man (or woman) born on the earth. Each of us can be like Santiago and search for our personal legend. The other characters in the book represent different things that influence Santiago on his journey.

Who are the minor characters in The Alchemist?

The main character is Santiago, a shepherd. He is in love with Fatima, a girl he meets at the market. He dreams of becoming wealthy and finding his treasure. While dreaming about his treasure, he sees an old man with a book. The old man tells him to travel to Cairo and follow the instructions in the book if he wants to find his treasure. Santiago does not have money for the journey, but finds a merchant who needs a shepherd for his sheep (the merchant will pay for the trip). He also believes that when he has found his treasure, he will return to Fatima and marry her.

From The Alchemist, describe Melchizedek with two facts.

Melchizedek, the King of Salem, is a mystical and wise figure Santiago encounters. Initially perceived as just an old man, Melchizedek reveals his knowledge and wisdom by discussing Santiago's book and offering insights into life and personal fulfillment. He displays mystical traits, knowing personal details about Santiago and reading his mind. Despite a hint of pride, he is humble and genuinely hopes for Santiago's success on his journey.

How does the characters' point of view in The Alchemist influence the reader?

The characters in The Alchemist offer diverse perspectives that influence readers' understanding of pursuing one's dreams. Santiago exemplifies determination and courage to follow his Personal Legend, while Fatima represents supportive love. Melchizedek and the Alchemist emphasize the importance of wisdom and inner strength. The Englishman values learning, and the Crystal Merchant and Santiago's father illustrate the dangers of not pursuing one's dreams. Collectively, these viewpoints inspire readers to seek personal fulfillment and wisdom.

What guises does the old man take when appearing in people's lives in The Alchemist?

In The Alchemist, the old man, Melchizedek or the King of Salem, appears in people's lives when they are about to abandon their destiny. He takes various guises, embodying magical realism, such as appearing as a solution, a good idea, or a critical event. For instance, he tells Santiago that he recently appeared to a miner as a stone containing a beautiful emerald, emphasizing his role in guiding individuals towards their true path.

Compare two characters from Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, describing their traits, relationship, and flaws.

The Englishman is a "book learner" and he does not have the courage or faith to believe in omens. Santiago is a "natural learner," who believes in omens and has enough faith to surrender to them. The two men meet the alchemist; the Englishman asks for his help, but the alchemist cannot help him because he thinks his intentions are wrong. The Englishman believes that books will teach him all he needs to know, while Santiago learns through observation of nature. Santiago learns by experience rather than book learning, which seems to be more valuable in this story.

Comment on the characterizations in The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

In The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, characterizations play a vital role in conveying the themes of pursuing one's dreams and personal growth. Santiago, the protagonist, learns from various characters, like Melchizedek, the crystal merchant, and the Englishman, who each represent different perspectives on life and dreams. Fatima symbolizes true love, while the alchemist provides Santiago with wisdom and challenges that lead him to fulfill his Personal Legend, underscoring the novel's message about perseverance and self-discovery.

What are King Melchizedek's flaws in The Alchemist?

King Melchizedek is a wise, likeable character in The Alchemist. He doesn't have many obvious or significant flaws, but perhaps one flaw might be his pride.

Why do characters in Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist disappear, and what is its significance?

Two characters disappear from the story because of their own choices. The crystal merchant is too afraid to leave his life and business, even though he knows that the true treasure lies in something else. He must choose between what he has (life and business) or what he wants (to travel to Mecca and seek inner peace). In the end, he chooses not to travel with Santiago, for fear of losing everything if his dreams are realized. The Englishman does not follow Santiago's advice, believing that all knowledge comes from books rather than the world around him. He is unable to see the treasure within Santiago's Personal Legend, which is far more valuable than gold.

The significance of Santiago choosing to become a shepherd in The Alchemist

In The Alchemist, Santiago chooses to become a shepherd to fulfill his desire for travel and adventure. This decision represents his quest for personal freedom and self-discovery, as it allows him to explore the world beyond his familiar surroundings and ultimately pursue his Personal Legend.

Advice given to Santiago by the alchemist and the horseman in The Alchemist

In The Alchemist, the alchemist advises Santiago to listen to his heart and follow his Personal Legend, emphasizing the importance of pursuing one's dreams despite fear. The horseman, on the other hand, teaches Santiago the value of courage and the necessity of taking risks to achieve one's goals, reinforcing the theme of personal growth and self-discovery.

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