Agatha Christie Criticism
Christie, Agatha (Vol. 12)
- Introduction
- Out of the Usual
- Proteus
- I. M. Parsons
- Will Cuppy
- Nicholas Blake
- Ralph Partridge
- Will Cuppy
- Another Christie
- Ralph Partridge
- Rupert Hart-Davis
- Isaac Anderson
- Ralph Partridge
- She Saw a Stranger in Herself
- Why Do People Read Detective Stories
- Robert Kee
- Anthony Boucher
- Anthony Boucher
- Anthony Boucher
- Anthony Boucher
- Sumi Yamashita
- Marcia Keller
- The Secret of Agatha Christie
- Murder for Pleasure: The Life and Times of the Detective Story
- Quite a Nice Run
- Margot Peters and Agate Nesaule Krouse
- Dick Datchery
- Animated Algebra
- The Last Act
- The Issue Is Murder
- Julian Barnes
- The Mistress of Complication
- Cornwallis's Revenge
- A Midas Gift to the Theatre
- Naomi Bliven
- Agatha Christie's Other Detectives
- The Christie Mystery
- Agatha Christie: Containment of the Unknown
- Christie, Agatha (Vol. 1)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Agatha Christie and Murder Most Unsportsmanlike
- Agatha Christie's Women
- Death Deferred: The Long Life, Splendid Afterlife, and Mysterious Workings of Agatha Christie
- All about Agatha
- The Poems of Agatha Christie
- Let's Hear It for Agatha Christie: A Feminist Appreciation
- Agatha Christie: Modern and Modernist
- Ordeal by Analysis: Agatha Christie's The Thirteen Problems
- Adam, Eve, and Agatha Christie
- Further Reading
- Christie, Agatha (Vol. 6)
- Christie, Agatha (Vol. 8)