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1. The comparisons between the Homeric epics and the Aeneid are many. In what ways are these three works similar? Is Vergil's poem an improvement over his Greek models? In what ways is Aeneas a more mature, responsible "hero" than Odysseus?

2. Using historical and mythological criteria, evaluate Vergil's choice of a Trojan leader as the hero of the story of Rome's founding. Was his choice a good one?

3. What events in Roman history helped to make the Aeneid such a popular favorite at the time of its publication, not only with the emperor but also with the general reading public of the empire?

4. In what ways did Vergil's education and earlier literary works help to prepare him for the writing of this monumental poem?

5. Later writers have avowed the influence of Vergil on their works. What Vergilian influences can be found in the writings of such authors as Dante and Milton?

6. The Aeneid, like many such verse epics, contains a large number of symbols. Which of these seem to be the most important in this text? What does each major symbol represent?

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