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Location of Faulkner's longest sentence in "Absalom, Absalom!"


Faulkner's longest sentence in Absalom, Absalom! is located in Chapter 6. It spans approximately 1,288 words and is known for its intricate structure and depth, reflecting the complexity of the novel's themes and characters.

Expert Answers

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Where can I locate Faulkner's longest sentence in "Absalom, Absalom?"?

OK, I found it for you. It's on page 361 of the corrected text Modern Library edition. You can actually read some of the sentence online at Amazon, which has a search inside the book feature.

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Where can I locate Faulkner's longest sentence in "Absalom, Absalom?"?

I would recommend a flip through the book. I know the sentence goes on for a couple of pages and found that it begins with "They bore it as though..."

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Where is Faulkner's longest sentence (1,287 words) located in "Absalom, Absalom!"?

I wasn't able to find the actual sentence, but I found this in Absalom, Absalom's Wikipedia entry:

The Guinness Book of World Records has an entry for what it claims is the longest proper sentence in English. It cites a sentence from "Absalom, Absalom! containing 1,287 words.

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