In 1984, we could argue that the first event happens when Winston starts writing in his diary. Although there are no laws in Oceania, if the Party found out that Winston had bought a diary and intended to write in it, he would be severely punished.
At first, Winston struggles to find something to write. However, once he gets going, the words "Down with Big Brother" become his mantra. Winston, therefore, uses the diary to express his discontent and frustration at the Party's rule.
By the end of the novel, however, Winston is considerably changed. In the closing lines, for example, we learn that Winston no longer struggles with his feelings of rebellion. Instead, he has come to love Big Brother, and these feelings appear genuine.
What we have, then, is a major contrast between the first event and the last. Winston is no longer the secret rebel; he...
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has been transformed into the ideal Party member.
When the novel begins, Winston Smith is working at the Ministry of Truth. It's his job to rewrite history in order to follow the Party's policies. He's sincere in trying to find his own identity in his quest of a personal rebellion. He begins to search for a meaningful existence. This is why he keeps a diary to record his private thoughts and feelings, even though he's likely to get caught by the Thought Police. Challenging another part of the established system, Winston rents a room to use as a love nest with Julia, a co-worker, who shares Winston's desire for contact with another human being. This is risky and has no chance of success. O'Brien deceptively makes friends with Winston and Julia, getting them to confess their crimes against the state. Winston is captured and tortured, trying to continue his challenge to authority, but he's unable to maintain his defiance. Winston respects O'Brien, enjoying their battle of intellect, ideas, and wills. Winston is fascinated with O'Brien, and he seems happy to finally be able to confront O'Brien. He accepts his own death after he's reprogrammed, and he sees his death as a sacrifice for the Party.