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Literary Fact Calendar

February 18th in Literary History

Pennsylvania Quakers pass the first formal antislavery resolution in North America

André Breton is born

Explore: André Breton, Free Union, Manifesto of Surrealism

James Lane Allen dies

A. R. Ammons is born

Explore: The City Limits, A. R. Ammons, Corsons Inlet, Easter Morning

Leonard Cyril Deighton is born

Explore: Funeral in Berlin, The Ipcress File, Spy Line, Len Deighton

Toni Morrison is born

Explore: The Bluest Eye, Beloved, Toni Morrison

Audre Lorde is born

Explore: Hanging Fire, Audre Lorde, Coal

Beth Henley’ drama Crimes of the Heart is first performed

Explore: Crimes of the Heart, Beth Henley