Here's ado to lock up honesty
"Here's ado to lock up honesty
And honor from th' access of gentle visitors."
Paulina is outraged that her friend and queen, Hermione, has been thrown into prison by the irrational and increasingly-demented king, Leontes. He has convinced himself that his wife was unfaithful to him with his childhood friend Polixenes. When Polixenes was warned of a plot to have him poisoned, he fled to his homeland. At the same time, Hermione found herself pregnant with Leontes' child. To Leontes, however, her pregnancy and the departure of Polixenes is further proof of his wife's infidelity, and he has her imprisoned, charged with treason. Pauline goes to the prison wishing to see Hermione, but she is refused by order of the king, as Hermione is denied "the access of gentle visitors." Paulina is allowed, instead, to visit with Emilia, one of the queen's ladies in waiting, and learns at this point that the queen has prematurely delivered a baby girl.