Tracy Pisano
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I am a seventh grade English Language Arts Teacher in Corona, Queens. My students call me Ms. P, thus the profile headline, and I adore them!
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Answered a Question in Of Mice and Men
In Of Mice and Men, George is a lonely character for many reasons. First, he is constantly traveling and has no family. He works and tries to save because he would like to be his own... -
Answered a Question in The Monkey's Paw
What character in particular do you need a character sketch for? -
Answered a Question in Lord of the Flies
This novel begins with the boys behaving in a very civilizied manner and follows them as they become more and more savage. This conflict, civilization vs. Savaagery, is the driving force... -
Answered a Question in Hamlet
Hamlet is a beautiful play. It is very profound and leaves the reader constantly thinking. The characters in the play, Hamlet in particular, are very similar to people today. Most... -
Answered a Question in Literature
As I tell my students, reading and writing are best friends. You need to be able to do one in order to do the other. This will improve your communication skills. You need to be... -
Answered a Question in The Catcher in the Rye
The Catcher in the Rye is a first person narrative told through the eyes of the protagonist, Holden Caulfield. This structure adds to the appeal of the reader for many reasons. One... -
Answered a Question in A Rose for Emily
When Miss. Emily's father died, she refused to admit it. She was very unstable (emotionally) and wouldn't let the towns people dispose of his body. She was left all alone, without any money,... -
Answered a Question in A Midsummer Night's Dream
While Lysander's eyes are the first that are annointed with the love potion, one can say that it affects many people. Of course, it effects him as he falls in love with Helena. Remember... -
Answered a Question in Fahrenheit 451
Fahrenheit 451, which originally began as a short story, by Ray Bradbury is typically considered to be a work of science fiction because of the futuristic society he creates. However, it... -
Answered a Question in To Kill a Mockingbird
In this chapter, the children, lead by Jem, sneak out of their house and follow their father to the center of town. There, an angry mob of people from town approach Atticus. They... -
Answered a Question in The Monkey's Paw
Mood refers to the feeling the author wants the reader to understand as they read. W.W. Jacobs uses mood very successfully in this story. He creates a mood of loneliness, depression,... -
Answered a Question in Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
In Dylan Thomas' "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" was written about his father. His father was a strong military man for most of his life. It was not until he reached his eighties that he... -
Answered a Question in Twilight
I would say that the main conflict in Twilight is when James attacks Bella and fights with Edward. This conflict is man vs. man or in this case vampire vs. vampire. At this point in the... -
Answered a Question in Romeo and Juliet
I personally believe that they were doomed from the start. Although, there are many views on both sides of this argument. I think that their meeting was fate and that... -
Answered a Question in William Shakespeare
It's rather difficult to explain. I think everybody has their own reasons for loving this literary genius. I know I get almost giddy when i read any of his plays. He wrote in a... -
Answered a Question in The Outsiders
Bob is Sherri "Cherry" Valence's boyfriend. He is also the Social that beat Johnny up. (We learn this through Ponyboys' retelling of the story the night of the movie). He drives a "tuff"... -
Answered a Question in The Outsiders
I agree with the poster above, their breakfast choices symbolize their age. Remember, the boys are 14, 17, and 20 years old. When they eat cake for breakfast, it reminds the reader of their... -
Answered a Question in The Outsiders
Dallas Winston borrows Two-bits switchblade while he is in the hospital recovering from the injuries he sustained in the fire. He uses it as a tool to get out of the hospital because he... -
Answered a Question in The Outsiders
In The Outsiders, Ponyboy Curtis has a few habits. As you correctly pointed out, two are drinking Pepsi and smoking cigarettes. He also has a habit of doing things without fully... -
Answered a Question in To Kill a Mockingbird
Jem and Scout build a "mudman" because there isn't enough snow on the ground to construct a snowman. When Scout realizes what he is doing she says: “‘Jem, I ain’t ever heard of a nigger... -
Answered a Question in Twilight
I am not sure if I would want my ten year old reading this series. I do agree that they can decode it easily, but it has some "adult" content in it. The last book is not school... -
Answered a Question in To Kill a Mockingbird
To Kill A Mocking Bird is the story of a small, rural town in the South during the 1930's. It tells the story of black man who is falsely accused of raping a white girl and the white lawyer... -
Answered a Question in Lord of the Flies
The boys behavior on the island is similiar to adults in the outside world in many ways. At the beginning of the novel the boys set out to make a democratic society with rules and regulations. They... -
Answered a Question in The Odyssey
A dynamic character is one that changes in a significant way throughout the course of the literature. Odysseus breaks the mold of most epic heroes in that he does change over the course of The... -
Answered a Question in Martin Luther King Jr.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times challenge and controversy. This quote is basically saying that it is you see... -
Answered a Question in Of Mice and Men
In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Curley's wife is a misunderstood character. She is a flirt and is characterized by the male characters as a "tart", but she does have dreams and goals. She... -
Answered a Question in Of Mice and Men
No, I do not feel that George is being honest hen he states that he would be better off without Lennie. He is a very loyal friend and even takes responsibility for Lennie's actions. I... -
Answered a Question in Literature
This quote means that it sometimes very difficult to listen to your conscience and let it guide your decisions. We are often tempted to take paths that we know we should not and must be brave... -
Answered a Question in To Kill a Mockingbird
I think that "Waiting on the World to Change" by John Mayer is an excellent example of a song that relates to the theme of this book. Prejudice and Tolerance are the main themes in the... -
Answered a Question in The Most Dangerous Game
At the end of the story, Zaroff returns to his mansion. He is not happy that he has lost of of his best men, Ivan, and he is also upset that his "prey", Rainsford, has escaped. He returns to... -
Answered a Question in Lord of the Flies
There are many themes in this very complex novel, however I think the most significant theme is the the idea of good vs evil. Simply stated, Golding uses the characters Piggy, Ralph, and Simon to... -
Answered a Question in Lord of the Flies
Simon is an important and major character in Lord of the Flies because he is the only character who is able to "see" what the other boys are really fearing. Simon is the visionary; he understands... -
Answered a Question in Night
I believe that this line was spoken by Ellie's father in the novel when the Jews were first forced to wear the star on their clothing. At this point in the novel, his father didn't think it was... -
Answered a Question in Night
As the above poster stated, some things are too horrible to consider. If they believed the warnings of Moshe the Beadle, they would have been forced to take action. It was easier to... -
Answered a Question in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
The primary narrator in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a man at the tavern. "The story opens with a long descriptive passage offered in the first person by the narrator, who is... -
Answered a Question in The Pigman
Lorraine is very observant and very compassionate. One reason that she may watch others so closely is because she has always been closely watched by her mother. Her mother is very... -
Answered a Question in Of Mice and Men
George and Lenny are friends. There is no family relation between these two men. George takes care of Lenny because he is mentally handicapped and he feels a social responsibility to... -
Answered a Question in The Outsiders
The novel ends with many important events. First of all, Johnny Cade dies as a result of the injuries he suffered when he entered the burning church to save the children trapped inside. This... -
Answered a Question in To Kill a Mockingbird
Throughout the novel, we watch Scout grow and change tremendously. At the beginning of the novel, she is very innocent and doesn't understand things such as prejudice. As the novel...