Nadia Hartley
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Nadia is a former AP English Literature teacher and English curriculum developer.
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Answered a Question in Lamb to the Slaughter
In Roald Dahl’s “Lamb to the Slaughter,” Mary kills her husband using a leg of lamb, then serves it to the police officers that come to investigate the murder. The reader knows that the lamb is the... -
Answered a Question in The Fault in Our Stars
In The Fault in Our Stars, John Green explores the themes of love and death through techniques like metaphors and symbolism. In the text, Hazel and Augustus, the two main characters, frequently... -
Answered a Question in Poetry
In “Oklahoma” and “Honeymoon,” the speaker feels an absence of community that stems from her cultural identity. In both poems, the speaker feels isolated and like an "other." In “Oklahoma,” which... -
Answered a Question in Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontë’s 1847 novel Wuthering Heights is frequently used as a standard example of Romantic and Gothic literature. This is because one of the defining features of Romantic and Gothic... -
Answered a Question in Mary Wollstonecraft
This letter is the dedication of Mary Wollstonecraft’s philosophical essay A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects, written as a direct reaction to... -
Answered a Question in Sherman Alexie
Sherman Alexie grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservations in Washington. His background is important in understanding his poem, “Crow Testament.” In this poem, Alexie uses foreshadowing,... -
Answered a Question in The Tempest
Within the context of the plot, the masque in act 4 of The Tempest occurs because Prospero has Ariel summon spirits to put on a small play to celebrate Miranda and Ferdinand’s engagement. He tells... -
Answered a Question in Mother Tongue
Amy Tan’s essay “Mother Tongue” is about Tan’s experiences with different types of English. She mainly focuses on her mother’s “broken” or “limited” English that impacted her own understanding of... -
Answered a Question in Naguib Mahfouz
The short story “Zaabalawi” by Naguib Mahfouz follows an unnamed narrator as he searches for Sheik Zaabalawi. The narrator searches for the sheik to help him cure “that illness for which no one... -
Answered a Question in To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird features a motif and symbol of a mockingbird. The mockingbird, or songbird, is used to represent innocence and purity. The symbol is introduced when Jem and Scout... -
Answered a Question in The Tell-Tale Heart
The Gothic genre contains stories that combine elements of horror, death, romance, and emotions. They are usually focused on examining a facet of humanity or society through a story filled with the... -
Answered a Question in T. S. Eliot
This statement is from T.S. Eliot’s poem “Little Gidding”, which is the last set of poems in Four Quartets. “Little Gidding” was first published in 1942 and was Eliot’s argument for humanity’s need... -
Answered a Question in Pride and Prejudice
Mrs. Bennet’s focus for her children is for all of them to get married. The narrator even states, “the business of her life was to get her daughters married” (Volume I, Chapter 1). She is focused... -
Answered a Question in 60
“The Flower-School” by Rabindranath Tagore utilizes personification, metaphor, and imagery to demonstrate the symbolism of the flowers. This poem is addressed to the speaker’s mother. In it, the... -
Answered a Question in Hidden Figures
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race by Margot Lee Shetterly is centered on the lives of three black women who... -
Answered a Question in Holes
Stanley Yelnats, the main character of Holes, experiences all of these types of conflict through the novel. This is just one example of each type of conflict, but there are many other examples in... -
Answered a Question in The House on Mango Street
The central ideas of “Four Skinny Trees” from Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street are strength and endurance. In this vignette, Esperanza states that these trees are “the only ones who... -
Answered a Question in Death of a Salesman
Willy Loman’s entire identity is contained in his work as a salesman and his hope for his sons. All he wants is the ability to get ahead. He remained loyal to one company his entire life, but that... -
Answered a Question in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
In the short story “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” F. Scott Fitzgerald argues that people should value the perspectives of those that are unique. In the case of this story, that is shown... -
Answered a Question in Of Mice and Men
A hook is the introductory idea at the beginning of your essay. Its purpose is to “hook” the readers of your essay, so they will want to read more. Some options for your hook are a historical fact,... -
Answered a Question in A Raisin in the Sun
Macbeth is a tragic character because of his greed and ambition. He constantly wants more, but the consequences of his actions haunt him. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth receives a prophecy... -
Answered a Question in The Tempest
In act 4, scene 1 of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Prospero gives a speech directed towards Miranda, his daughter, and Ferdinand, her betrothed, to try to reassure them. Prospero has Ariel summon... -
Answered a Question in Fences
When Gabriel is introduced, Wilson states that Gabriel was “injured in World War II,” and “he has a metal plate in his head.” He also "carries an old trumpet tied around his waist and believes with... -
Answered a Question in A Midsummer Night's Dream
At the opening scene of the play, Egeus brings his daughter, Hermia, and two men who are in love with her, Lysander and Demetrius, to court so they can settle Hermia’s marriage. Hermia is in love... -
Answered a Question in Literature
Formalism, structuralism, and new criticism are all theories of literary criticism. Literary criticism is “the reasoned consideration of literary works and issues” (Encyclopedia Britannica). This... -
Answered a Question in Songs of Innocence and of Experience
One of the wonderful things about poetry is that it can be interpreted in many ways depending on your perspective. William Blake’s “The Sick Rose” is an apt example of this idea. Within the poem,... -
Answered a Question in Zoot Suit
In Zoot Suit, Luis Valdez examines the discrimination that Chicanos faced in Los Angeles during the 1940s. The plot of the play is based on the real-life Sleepy Lagoon murder trial and the Zoot...