Marta Barlow
eNotes Educator
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When I was growing up, I loved to learn anything and everything. Now I love to teach everything I can to anyone I can. I don't have a Master's or Doctorate Degree like some other teachers, but I seem to touch many children's lives nevertheless, and they keep coming back to tell me how much I meant to them and how much they love me.
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Recent Activity
Answered a Question in Abraham Lincoln
Two rhetorical devices Lincoln used in his famous Gettysburg Address are repetition and hypozeuxis. Repetition: A rhetorical device in which a word or word pattern is used several times to... -
Answered a Question in Literary Terms
Figurative devices are certain words or phrases that add essence and clarity to poems and essays, and help paint a mental picture in the mind of the reader. The most common figurative devices are... -
Answered a Question in US History (General)
Here's my three major events that were turning points in American history: The Revolutionary War, World War II, and the atomic bomb. The Revolutionary War was a turning... -
Answered a Question in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, written by Mark Twain in 1876, takes place in a little town called St. Petersburg, Missouri, on the Mississippi River sometime in the 1840's. The town is... -
Answered a Question in History
One of the greatest Canadian innovations of the 1930's was the development of the electron microscope into the first practical model. It was developed in 1938 at the University of... -
Answered a Question in The Hunger Games
If you're talking about the mockingjay badge that Katniss wears, I think it could symbolize continued victimization. Nobody ever dared question the ongoing ritual of the Hunger Games, or... -
Answered a Question in History
World War I was both similar and different from World War II. Similarities between the two wars: Both wars involved Germany as the cause of and at the heart of the... -
Answered a Question in Great Expectations
I think Pip is a very reliable narrator! I believe it is only right that Pip narrate his own story. Stories from a personal perspective allow the reader to actually live inside the... -
Answered a Question in The Hunger Games
I agree with Post #2. The world in which Katniss and her family live would never be the same again. If you recall, District 13 was completely wiped out during the Great Rebellion. ... -
Answered a Question in Politics and Corruption in the Gilded Age
One of the greatest examples of greed during the "Gilded Age" was the enormous amounts of money the railroad companies managed to accumulate. The owners of the railroads lived in opulence,... -
Answered a Question in The Medieval Romance - Short Fiction
To be a knight in the Middle Ages, a man needed to possess the following virtues: * Mercy (Towards the poor and oppressed. They were supposed to be harsh with evil-doers.) *... -
Answered a Question in The Count of Monte Cristo
In the novel, The Count of Monte Cristo, there were four things the enemies of Dantes wanted for themselves. 1) Fernand was in love with Dantes' fiance, Mercedes, and wanted her for... -
Answered a Question in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
One of the conflicts I ran across in this book is the turmoil that Jim's escape from slavery caused for Huck. In Chapter 16, the two boys are nearing the confluence of the Mississippi and the... -
Answered a Question in History
Well, I'm a Mormon and we are taught in the Book of Mormon that the first settlers to this continent were the Jaredites, who came over when the Tower of Babel was built in the Middle East. ... -
Answered a Question in Language Arts
I would have to say the closest opposite of teach is to learn. Absorb could be another close relative of learn, because when you're learning something, you're absorbing it. And here's... -
Answered a Question in William Shakespeare
I think Shakespeare is still so popular because he understood the human character and its weaknesses and imperfections. He also poked fun at all the social norms of the day so some of his... -
Answered a Question in Socrates
I liken it to the saying, "Familiarity breeds contempt." When we skim the surface of some emotions, never digging deep or delving into their depths, we maintain a certain aloofness that... -
Answered a Question in Western Expansion, Manifest Destiny, and the Mexican-American War
A good topic to research was the range wars between cattle owners and land/sheep owners. For years the prairie had been virtually unobstructed and the cattle owners had free range... -
Answered a Question in Literature
Storytelling enriches the lives of those listening, is a great form of entertainment, and appeals to audiences of all ages. Sometimes whole histories of nations and peoples are told through... -
Answered a Question in History
It is post-World War II Germany. The two biggest conquering world powers, the United States and the USSR, are distrustful of each other. Although they fought for a common... -
Answered a Question in Postmodernism
We have to realize that were we to go to another planet, we would describe that planet with our own terminology and according to our own experience. Whether or not our observations were... -
Answered a Question in European History
Renaissance means, "to be reborn," and that "rebirth" has happened again and again throughout the history of this planet. Anytime there is new technology, new ideologies, and new thinking,... -
Answered a Question in History
The most interesting thing I discovered about feudalism is that it wasn't a perfect "pyramid" with the lord or king at the top, the vassals & knights in the middle, and the serfs at the bottom.... -
Answered a Question in Poetry
I used to think poems had to rhyme to be poems, but that's not the case at all! To me, poetry is using words to draw a picture in the reader's mind. It's putting words together to... -
Answered a Question in The Chosen
Some of us have relatives who lived during the Great Depression and World War II. THEY know how to appreciate! The reason they do is because they went without, some of them... -
Answered a Question in The Lovely Bones
I would hope that I would be strong and steady in the face of such a tragedy, but I don't really know what I'd do. I watched my son and daughter-in-law deal with the death of their little... -
Answered a Question in History
Both of these Presidents had natural charisma and charm and a way of making people feel good about themselves. They seemed to always know what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. ... -
Answered a Question in Pride and Prejudice
You have to remember that in many of her books, Jane Austen is poking fun at and ridiculing the established "norms" of her day. British society placed such emphasis on appearance, prestige,... -
Answered a Question in Native Americans and the Colonists
How did European colonization impact the natives in North and South America? I need informative information for a five essay answer I need to prepare. Life in the Americas changed... -
Answered a Question in History
Having just come out from under the tyrannical rule of King George III, the leaders of the newly formed United States of America were very skeptical of giving too much power to any one... -
Answered a Question in The Crucible
Essay Can all of you please help me answer this question in two pages: Does confessing to a crime you didn't commit in order to avoid punishment wise? Lying comes in many... -
Answered a Question in Transcendentalism
People can tell if you are passionate and enthusiastic about something because it will show in how well you work at it and in the end results! But, if you're doing something because you have... -
Answered a Question in History
If the U.S. were invaded... If the United States were invaded today by another country, what do you think would change? Well, we've already been invaded in 2001 and lots of things did... -
Answered a Question in Literature
It is often the case that a foreign language can have such power and influence over an individual or country as to be adopted into their culture and way of life. As in the case of India, the... -
Answered a Question in Daniel Defoe
Many great authors draw from personal experiences when writing their works. Defoe was no different. Throughout his life, he suffered through many devastations and calamitous... -
Answered a Question in Pride and Prejudice
Although Mrs. Bennet often tries Mr. Bennet to the core, there is ample evidence that they love each other. He is very patient and gentle with her, concerned when she is truly ill, and... -
Answered a Question in William Shakespeare
Never having developed an appreciation for Shakespeare or his writings, I still have to confess he sure could write! He had a way with words that no one else did. He must have... -
Answered a Question in Adolf Hitler
I would have to deny Hitler the privilege of being considered a genius. He might have started out to redeem Germany with the best of intentions, but it quickly turned into Europe's... -
Answered a Question in Red Planet
Our solar system is comprised of eight planets and one dwarf planet. They are quite varied in size and in appearance. I shall list them from smallest to largest. 1) Pluto, though... -
Answered a Question in Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe was a victim of self-induced misfortune and ill health. Born in 1809, his actor parents died when he was two years old. He was taken into the home of John Allan, a... -
Answered a Question in Edna St. Vincent Millay
Edna St. Vincent Millay had a knack for infusing freshness, delicacy, and musical quality to her works by her use of personification and lilting cadences. She also wrote with energy, often... -
Answered a Question in Edmund Spenser
The meaning is simple. The author is simply telling us how Jesus Christ atoned for our sins by giving his life upon the cross and shedding his blood for our sakes. If you are a... -
Answered a Question in Pride and Prejudice
I think Pride and Prejudice is one of the greatest novels ever written! My reasons are based on the power the book has had in exposing the often cruel, sometimes ridiculous practices of the... -
Answered a Question in History of Plymouth Plantation
The Puritans had simple religious beliefs and a simple manner of worship. Most of the Puritans wanted to get rid of the costly, ornamental vestiges that cluttered other religions, namely the... -
Answered a Question in Life in the Roaring Twenties
Technically, there's no comparison between the 1910's and the 1920's. The United States in the 1910's was basically a slower, more down-to-earth society that clung to good old-fashioned... -
Answered a Question in Great Expectations
I have read "Great Expectations" countless times and thoroughly enjoyed the book. The reason Charles Dickens titled it so was because Pip had had a hard life in so short a lifetime, and when... -
Answered a Question in Tuesdays With Morrie
My first impression of Mitch was that he was an opportunist, only interested in a story, but not really interested in Morrie. As the story unfolds, he softens, and begins to see Morrie as a... -
Answered a Question in America: Pathways to the Present
On April 2-4, 1863, the Union army was camped on the north side of the Rappahannock River. Their General, Hooker, was moving towards General Lee, who was stationed across the river at... -
Answered a Question in William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon, a small town about 80 miles northwest of London, England. The region is named Warwickshire and is considered "the heart of England." ... -
Answered a Question in Essays
To put it bluntly, you should study English to speak, write, understand, and communicate in an intelligent and appropriate manner. Anyone who knows the history of this earth, knows that the...
Showing 1-50 of 51