Jane Bloomingdale
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Recent Activity
Answered a Question in Aspects of the Novel
While I am unable to give you an essay on "Aspects of the Novel" by EM Forster, I can give you a little help and lead you in the direction so you can write it on your own. First, EM Forster's... -
Answered a Question in In the Time of the Butterflies
There are many themes in the novel In the Time of Butterflies. Some of the more important ones include change and transformation, and courage. If you think about what those themes mean within the... -
Answered a Question in Dutchman
The conflict in this wonderful play by Amiri Baraka is clearly the conflict between Lula and Clay, beginning with her seducing him, her racist comments, and clearly coming to a... -
Answered a Question in Happy Endings
I'm not entirely sure that a truly objective narrator ever occurs in fiction. Simply by choosing a specific verb of adjective a narrator can lead a reader in one direction without the reader... -
Answered a Question in A Worn Path
As I've noted in other questions asked about "main conflict" in stories, I've always found that its easiest to deem the answers when looking at the Themes of a novel. The theme will tell you what... -
Answered a Question in Night
Here's an excerpt from the enotes character section, for more info follow the link below: Eliezer had once believed profoundly and had lamented before God but he could no longer do so. He "felt... -
Answered a Question in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Cassie questions and challenges practices that many of the other characters accept at face value.Cassie is consistently assertive and logical as she proves in her well-planned retaliation against... -
Answered a Question in The Nun's Priest's Tale
This is a question from the Nun's Priest Tale (it's always helpful to be as specific as possible when asking a question). The fox is able to capture Chanticleer by flattering him. While at first... -
Answered a Question in Othello
Well I don't think you could argue that they are all weak and passive (look at Iago, he's the character that causes the plot to progress). The other characters (some more than others) are not... -
Answered a Question in Macbeth
Macbeth needs Banquo killed because Banquo is raising suspicions that Macbeth killed Duncan (which he did). Macbeth has to get rid of him before he tells that to many people. More than that,... -
Answered a Question in Trifles
One of the main themes in "Trifles" is the idea of Gender differences. The two sexes are distinguished by the roles they play in society, their physicality, their methods of communication and—vital... -
Answered a Question in Macbeth
This is from the enotes theme on Macbeth and the supernatural, if you follow the link, you'll get the whole section: Beyond the evil that human ambition can manufacture, Macbeth has a super-natural... -
Answered a Question in Animal Farm
Napolean tells the other animals that the project will require harder work and reduced rations for all of the animals, except, of course, the pigs. Life for the animals begins to get worse. They... -
Answered a Question in The Great Gatsby
I think the irony of Mr. Gatz' admiration for the house, was that to Gatsby, the material possessions meant nothing, his success meant nothing without Daisy. Gatsby bought the house, the clothes,... -
Answered a Question in Hamlet
This implies what we already know about Laertes, that he is rash. He does things without thinking, and he says things without thinking as well. He acts promptly at hearing about the death of his... -
Answered a Question in Coming of Age in Mississippi
There are many important events in the book Coming of Age in Mississippi. I think the best way to look for important events is to consider the themes in the novel, and then the events that... -
Answered a Question in Tom Jones
The father-daughter relationships in Tom Jones is not one of Hallmark cards. IT's not as if the relationships are bad or abusive, but rather, they are just distant. Think about Squire Weston, and... -
Answered a Question in Hamlet
One dramatic surprise is the death of Polonius. Polonius died simply by happenstance (or one could say because of his spying nature). (act 3 scene 4). Another dramatic surprise is that Hamlet... -
Answered a Question in Rumble Fish
Rusty James is fourteen but he acts much older. Like his father he smokes and drinks. Rusty James is detached from his girlfriend the same way that his father is detached from him and his brother.... -
Answered a Question in Look Back in Anger
The relationship between Violence and Power in John Osborne's play Look Back in Anger is an interesting one. It seems more like an inverse relationship. Jimmy Porter is angry and violent because he... -
Answered a Question in Darkness at Noon
Darkness at Noon represents the philosophical and political ideal of the revolutionary ideology and social morality, cannot possibly function or work. Koestler says, —“Wherever [Rubashov’s] eye... -
Answered a Question in Fahrenheit 451
The central character of the novel and its hero. Fahrenheit 451 is about the transformation of Montag from an obedient servant of the state to a questioning human being. Montag begins to question... -
Answered a Question in Othello
Cassio appeals to Desdemona to help him regain his position. Desdemona tells Cassio that she will do all she can to help him. Iago then, of course, uses this to show Othello that Desdemona and... -
Answered a Question in That Evening Sun
Well there are some symbols in the story, but I think mainly the people are symbols representative of the time. Think of Mr. Stovell who presents as both the economic system (he is a cashier at the... -
Answered a Question in Macbeth
Macbeth has many character flaws, but the one that is his downfall is his moral decline. As they say, power begets power, and Macbeth is an example of this. He convinces himself that he is the... -
Answered a Question in The Man Who Turned Into a Stick
The Man who Turned into A Stick is a difficult play to understand, so I sympathize with you! The Man and Woman from Hell aren't necessarily bad people, they are people who do what they are supposed... -
Answered a Question in Cat's Cradle
Bokononism's purpose is to "provide people with better and better lies," lies that will keep them from seeing the Hobbesian truth, that "life was as short and brutish and mean as ever." This view... -
Answered a Question in Romeo and Juliet
Even though Romeo slayed Tybalt, Juliet still loves him. At first, feels betrayed by Romeo. Then her love for Romeo takes away the blame she felt against him. At first she sides with Tybalt, but... -
Answered a Question in The Odyssey
Telemachus and his mother need Odysseus so that they can rid their house of the suitors that eat their food and drink their wine and waste their goods. Without Odysseus Telemachus' mother Penelope... -
Answered a Question in The Waltz
I think that a good thesis statement for the waltz would be: "The Waltz" is an allegorical tale that uses a seemingly simple dance by a couple to discuss the intricacies of 20th century... -
Answered a Question in An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
Spender highlights the inequalities in a democratic society. Although democracy is supposed to level the playing field and allow all to get a good education, the classroom in his poem is a slum and... -
Answered a Question in Incident in a Rose Garden
The rose garden represents many things, here is an excerpt from the enotes: The fact that Death appears in the rose garden underscores the place of death in the order of the natural world. He not... -
Answered a Question in The Masque of the Red Death
The main problem in the story is the plague (or red death) that is around. In order to protect against that plague, the Prince sequesters a thousand of his most loyal followers in his castle. The... -
Answered a Question in The Wall
Existentialism is the term coined by Sartre to describe his perception of human existence. His form of existentialism is more properly called atheistic existentialism, and its followers believe... -
Answered a Question in The Great Gatsby
The values in the world described by Nick in the Great Gatsby, are false values, as Nick witnesses in the end of the story. The values of people like Daisy and Tom are about material goods and... -
Answered a Question in The Eagle of the Ninth
THere are many themes in the novel, the Eagel of the Ninth. They include, interdependence, freedom, self-acceptance, and loyalty. I think that the main theme is self-acceptance. Marcus Flavius... -
Answered a Question in The Necklace
Madame Loisel is unhappy because she is ashamed of her social standing. Madam Loisel has always dreamed of a luxurious life with servants and such, and is unhappy because she is not wealthy. She... -
Answered a Question in The Merchant of Venice
While some have made the claim that there is more to the relationship between Bassanio and Antonio, I think it is more brotherly. A friendship. Quotes like this one, "Commend me to your honorable... -
Answered a Question in Twelfth Night
Viola is refering to the love of a woman who pined away for a man, she is telling the Duke that a woman can love a man, just as much as a man loves a woman. With this quote, she is talking about... -
Answered a Question in Brave New World
There are many differences, but briefly, the different castes are Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons. The upper castes are intelligent and have managerial jobs, whereas the lower castes do... -
Answered a Question in Wide Sargasso Sea
That criticism has existed since Wide Sargasso Sea was published in 1966. Many critics of the time said that it could not stand alone, and that it had to be read with Jane Eyre to make complete... -
Answered a Question in To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time
“To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” is composed of four stanzas, each consisting of four lines of verse. Each stanza is composed of a single sentence. The poem employs end rhymes, the rhyming... -
Answered a Question in Hamlet
Hamlet doesn't kill Claudius at that moment because he thinks that Claudius is praying. Hamlet says that killing Claudius now would, "send [this same villain] To heaven” instead of Hell where he... -
Answered a Question in Great Expectations
Jaggers refers to Drummle as spider, apparently refering to his ability to get what he wants (getting the flies) even if he does so using his ruthless nature. Drummle is lazy, but he is ruthless,... -
Answered a Question in Othello
Othello has a plot based on deception. It is based around the scheming of Iago. Iago hates Othello and so with the help of Rodrigo awakes Desdemona's father. Desdemona having just run away with... -
Answered a Question in The Tempest
The overall conclusion of the Tempest is a happy one. Prospero rewards Ariel for his services by giving him his freedom and releasing him to the elements. We learn in the epilogue that the others... -
Answered a Question in Cane
Cane is a wonderful book. It was significant in its time for being a leading influence in the Harlem Renaissance. The form of the book was also praised; it was unique. To this day, it's considered... -
Answered a Question in Into the Wild
One significant theme in Into the Wild is the deep and secret alienation that Chris felt for his parents. He was very angry at him, although his complaints are clear. The reader knows he's angry,... -
Answered a Question in A White Heron
The white heron can symbolize many things, depending on what you think the theme of the story is. It could be good versus evil, nature versus mankind, flesh versus spirit, innocence versus... -
Answered a Question in Petals of Blood
Well, Wanja is the story's main female character, and she shows the struggles of those like her. She is a woman of action, and she never gives up, even as the world throws her some horrible turns....
Showing 1-50 of 113