George Crockett
eNotes Educator
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MAEd with 18 grad sem hr in History. Graduate course work included Tudor-Stuart Britain, Problems in British History, Revolutionary America, The Old South, The Early Republic, Industrial America, Economic Analysis of Law, Natural Resource Economics, Teaching English Composition, and a workshop in Teaching Study Skills and Developmental Reading. Taught post-high school students 4 years full-time and 3+ years part-time. To these students, I taught courses in History, English Composition, Study Skills,Developmental Reading, and G.E.D. B.S. in Wildlife Management and worked in that field for 9 years; one of the positions I held was Interpretation and Recreation Assistant on a National Wildlife Refuge.
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Recent Activity
Answered a Question in American Imperialism
From about the time of the War of 1812 onward, the industrial interests in the U.S. held the American consumers as their own captive market through the tariff on imported goods. The tariff made... -
Answered a Question in History
Some British colonies in North America were established for commercial reasons; the development was Mercantilism. Some were established for religious reasons; the development was Puritanism. King... -
Answered a Question in Reconstruction
When Reconstruction commenced, the South had just been reunited with the Union by the most violent war ever fought on the North American continent. (There was no question of a peaceable... -
Answered a Question in History
The historian, in order to properly interpret and understand primary documents, must acquire great volumes of information about every aspect of the times that produced the documents. And as... -
Answered a Question in History
The history books I read do not agree that sectional hostility abated after the 1861 War. The two sections were still different cultures. The South predominantly Celtic-Protestant with... -
Answered a Question in History
You ask about Constitutional causes of the War of 1861. The framers of the Constitution had thought the power of elected officials could be controlled by making their terms in office of short... -
Answered a Question in History
F.D.R.'s New Deal was a massively important step in the creation of modern America, both politically and economically. However, the founding fathers of modern America both politically and... -
Answered a Question in History
Ancient Greek culture achieved conformity to social values through shame, not through consciousness of guilt. Thus honor, which is inextricably linked to shame, was a value of ancient... -
Answered a Question in Secession and Civil War
Short-term causes of the American Civil War certainly include Lincoln's refusal to meet with the commissioners that were sent by the Confederate government to buy Fort Sumter and other federal... -
Answered a Question in The Vietnam War
One reason the U.S. got involved in the Vietnam War was that it was a conflict between communism and a freer system. The communist system cannot produce as much wealth as it consumes because... -
Answered a Question in The Vietnam War
Why America lost the Vietnam War: I can't give a good answer to this, but here are a couple of points that are germane. Ho and Giap made an aggressive attack on the national will of the... -
Answered a Question in History
I assume you mean the Old South and slavery. I would make a different argument than the one your question seems to suppose. The Declaration of Independence was written by a southern... -
Answered a Question in History
Yes, certainly. The rest of the world has done so, some before 1865, some since. But without war, it would not have been possible to destroy the political power of the South and bring... -
Answered a Question in Reconstruction
The Reconstruction era of American history failed to place the southern governments and the U. S. Representatives and Senatorsfrom the South, permanently uder the hedgemony of the Republican... -
Answered a Question in History
What does the quote mean: "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."? If We The People would have liberty, we must have a... -
Answered a Question in American Imperialism
In my opinion, those areas of the world that the U.S. dominated, would have been dominated by another imperialistic country if the U.S. had not dominated them. But, if the U.S. had of... -
Answered a Question in History
What were the economic and social conditions of blacks in the South during Reconstruction? Most made their living as farm laborers and tenant farmers; many made their living as household servants;... -
Answered a Question in History
Critically analyzed information on WBTS and Reconstruction: For the books cited, you may find what you want in introductions or conclusions without having to read the whole book. I. War Between The... -
Answered a Question in Civil War Battles and Strategy
Northern strengths and Southern weaknesses in the War between The States: Northern strengths include a large industrial base, a larger population from which to draw both soldiers and industrial... -
Answered a Question in History
The socio-economic classes of the Old South: The most numerous group of people in the Old South was the yeoman farm families. Yeomen are farmers who own their own land and do their own work, or if... -
Answered a Question in History
Two older books recommend to me are The Constitutions of Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, Russell H. Quinn, Exposition Press, 1959; and Two Presidents, Gilbert/Hudson, Naylor Company, 1973. Two... -
Answered a Question in Secession and Civil War
I think some reasons for the American Civil War are 1) desire of northern industrialists and politicians for empire, 2) desire of the Republican Party for political hegemony, 3) idealism: many... -
Answered a Question in History
Here is my take on the changes to civilian society in both North and South brought by the outcome of the American War of 1861-1865. The entire nation was set upon a course to... -
Answered a Question in History
I will name three important events, but I do not know if they are the most important. The American War of Independence set us up and got us going. Considering the amount of resources and territory... -
Answered a Question in History
"...sports as we know them are something new under the sun." Our sports are different from those of ancient, folk, or medieval cultures. "Specifically, these differences lie in the... -
Answered a Question in History
Public Education: Government schooling is a recent phenomenon. Formerly, schooling was in the home from tutors if the family was well off, and in store-loft and old-field academies if... -
Answered a Question in Slavery in the Nineteenth Century
Antislavery before and after 1830. There must be many comparisons and constrasts that could be made, but I know of only one of them, so this answer is not going to help you much. Before... -
Answered a Question in History
The Loyalists supported the established government and the establsihed social order. The Patriots supported equality before the law for each group of people within the British empire: the... -
Answered a Question in Andrew Johnson's Presidency
Under President Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction plan, the mass of southern whites were allowed to swear their future loyalty to the Union. In return, they received amnesty and pardons that... -
Answered a Question in History
Andrew Jackson's war with the Second Bank of the United States: Jackson viewed the B.U.S. as an institution that empowered the few against the many, and as a concentration of power that could... -
Answered a Question in History
Two American Revolutions:It is common in the scholarly literature on the founding of the American republic, and in college courses based on that literature, to refer to the Philadelphia Convention... -
Answered a Question in Slavery and Servitude in the Colonies
Regarding slavery in colonial North America: There was a market for tobacco and(in South Carolina) rice, and there was lots of cheap land on which to grow them, but no dependable source oflabor to... -
Answered a Question in History
A country needs wealth to survive. The communist system is incapable of producing enough wealth to survive. A communist government must take new territories in order to get that needed... -
Answered a Question in The Constitutional Convention
During the state conventions that considered whether to adopt the Constitution that had been written in the Philadelphia Convention, Federalists were for the adoption of the Constitution while... -
Answered a Question in History
Now-days, the government relies on schools and TV to inform, guide, propagandize, and mold the opinions and attitudes of the people. In Louis XIV's time, those functions were performed by the... -
Answered a Question in History
Lanterns on the Levee is a memoir about a plantation owner, his principles and ideals, and his plantation that existed before and during the Great Depression. It is by William... -
Answered a Question in History (General)
I like Post 10. Political and constitutional history is what I like to study the most. I also get something from intellectural history, military history, even a bit each of social and cultural. But... -
Answered a Question in The Constitutional Convention
Constitutional arguments between the Federalists and the Antifederalists: The Antifederalists thought the Constitution gave the Federal government too much control over commerce; they thought that... -
Answered a Question in The Vietnam War
The Vietnamese were a civilized people with government of their own when the French were still running around in the woods dressed in skins. They didn't need to be ruled by the French or... -
Answered a Question in World War II
Communism is founded on a lie. Therefore, Stalin as leader of USSR was perpetuating a lie as a means of organizing his hold on power in the USSR. His was a totalitarian government, meaning that it... -
Answered a Question in History (General)
I like history, too. In high school I had the good luck to have a teacher who had the good sense not to use a textbook. He lectured to us from his college history notes. He had us... -
Answered a Question in History
Since the War Between The States, one social system has held hedgemony in the U.S. That is big business. It started out as mercantile and industrial, often called the industrial... -
Answered a Question in The Korean War
Some factors leading to the Korean War: Kim Il Sung, totalitarian dictator of North Korea (N.K.), originated the idea of invading South Korea (S.K.) and had some Russian military advisors who were... -
Answered a Question in History
Railroads being unfair to farmers was an accusation made by the Midwestern Grangers during the 1860s-1880s. The Grangers said that railroad shipping rates were too high. A response to... -
Answered a Question in History
Railroads being unfair to farmers was an accusation made by the Midwestern Grangers during the 1860s-1880s. The Grangers said that railroad shipping rates were too high. A response to that might be... -
Answered a Question in Frederick Douglass
Black slaves could not testify in court. The reason was that because of their dependent status as slaves, many of them learned to lie to their master as a way of manipulating him. So it... -
Answered a Question in History
Considerations Toward Ending Slavery: How would you provide for slaves who were too elderly to work? Once freed, their former owners will no longer be obligated to care for them. In many... -
Answered a Question in History
I recently did research on both Magna Carta and Bill of Rights, to prepare for teaching a lesson on Documents of Freedom, in a boy's camp. Yet I could not give the answer to this question... -
Answered a Question in History
Important governmental powers not held by the Articles of Confederation Governmnet: A good book for you to read is The Articles of Confederation by Merrill Jensen. Is is not too long. ... -
Answered a Question in History
My opinion on judging the cultural practices of foreign countries: I am not an anthropologist, but I would say "not". I lived in northeastern Asia for five years. The first year I...
Showing 1-50 of 73