Davis Kolb
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Answered a Question in To Kill a Mockingbird
To Kill a Mockingbird presents the complex social structure existing in fictional Maycomb, Alabama during the 1930s. The novel includes details from the lives of two white families on the bottom... -
Answered a Question in When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer
Neoclassical poets were very much interested in returning to the antique era of poetry, marked by such epics as The Odyssey and The Iliad. As a result, they were interested in recreating... -
Answered a Question in The Revolutionary War
Another way to consider the extent to which the colonists were justified in rebelling against King George is to analyze the revolution through the lens of popular philosophy of the era. Thomas... -
Answered a Question in Tess of the d'Urbervilles
This is a very creative question because it asks you to take a concept from economics, capitalism, and apply it to a critical work in the English canon, Tess of the d'Urbervilles. It is... -
Answered a Question in History
There was a lot of disagreement in the years following the American Revolution between the Federalists (Hamiltonians) and the anti-Federalists (or Jeffersonian-Republicans). Conflict arose in the... -
Answered a Question in The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
The members of the Lacks family look to their deep religious faith in order to understand scientific concepts. Over the course of the story, Deborah struggles to understand the scientific... -
Answered a Question in The Wife of Bath's Tale
"The Wife of Bath" is a story within the greater work of The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer was an educated court cleric in London and lived between 1345 and 1400. His... -
Answered a Question in Night
One of the reasons Night is so searing is its use of imagery. Weisel uses images to make the horrors of the Holocaust vivid in the minds of readers who never experienced it. Consider one of... -
Answered a Question in Walt Whitman
Both Whitman and Dickinson present death not as a final ending point, but as something that can be transcended. To explore this, let us look at two oft-quoted passages from each poet. Here is an... -
Answered a Question in Soldier's Home
Generally speaking, the story short story "Soldier's Home" is told chronologically. In Hemingway's iconic dry and understated style, the story summarizes Krebs's experience of leaving a Methodist... -
Answered a Question in The Constitutional Convention
In 1787, the Framers of the Constitution met in Philadelphia to address the failures of the Articles of Confederation and to build a framework for a stronger central government. However, the... -
Answered a Question in History (General)
Cultural artifacts are of critical import to the study of humans and civilizations over the course of history. Artifacts are the concrete items cultures leave behind, such as Native American... -
Answered a Question in Essays
Great question! Let's start with a general essay tip: most often, if you read the prompt closely, it will organize your essay for you. Note that the instructions indicate that "Your essay should... -
Answered a Question in Literature
To read actively is to read with focus and determination to understand and evaluate a text. Many consider "active reading" to be a synonym of "studying." Here are some examples of what active... -
Answered a Question in Frankenstein
In Frankenstein, the setting is a roadmap for how to understand the complex conflicts within the novel. Remember that Frankenstein is a frame novel. The opening scene, which features a... -
Answered a Question in History
Though specifics of access to power and access to private property differ wildly through human history, one can say safely that a woman's access to private property directly correlates with her... -
Answered a Question in The Outsiders
In The Outsiders, Ponyboy is "confused" about his friends' behavior to girls. This is likely because he sees his friends exhibiting both respectful and disrespectful attitudes. In one case,... -
Answered a Question in Cutting for Stone
One way to think about Cutting for Stone is to think about dualities, such as the duality Marion shares with his twin brother Shiva, and the duality of existing as both American and Ethiopian.... -
Answered a Question in Rachel Carson
When any speaker or writer presents an argument, the speaker uses three elements to appeal to their audience: ethos, pathos, and logos. A speaker uses ethos when they establish themselves as a... -
Answered a Question in The Man with the Hoe
"The Man with the Hoe" is a poem that questions the power differential in society and how those with power treat those without. To understand the second stanza, one must start with the... -
Answered a Question in The Catcher in the Rye
Another example of irony in The Catcher in the Rye is Holden's incessant use of the term "phony." Throughout the text, he refers to the majority of his peers and adults around him as "phony."...