Julianne Hansen, M.A.
eNotes Educator
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I have enjoyed discussing literature with students for over 20 years. I love examining texts from multiple perspectives. I always encourage students to be certain their interpretations can be fully supported with evidence from the text but that there isn't always one perfect answer. I have completed extensive undergraduate work in various fields of science and enjoyed postgraduate work in educational policies and testing practices.
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Recent Activity
Answered a Question in Leiningen Versus the Ants
There are several reasons that Leiningen does not fear the approaching ant invasion, but all are based on an overconfidence in his own abilities. First, Leiningen believes that he has "planned... -
Answered a Question in Romeo and Juliet
A claim that asks for an evaluation or judgement should present a defendable, debatable position. This is different from an interpretative claim, where you might present your own interpretation of... -
Answered a Question in Twelfth Night
Although pretty much everyone else onstage considers this a fantastic practical joke, there is a definite tragic element to this exchange. Everyone has had a good laugh at the expense of Malvolio,... -
Answered a Question in Robert Frost
One of the central literary devices used in "The Bear" by Robert Frost is analogy. The poem begins with a description of a free-roaming bear who is seemingly content to enjoy the delights of... -
Answered a Question in Susan Orlean
"Show Dog" by Susan Orlean provides an in-depth portrait of Biff, an accomplished Boxer whose owners think he is priceless. Because his "shoulder-humerus articulation [is] optimally angled" and he... -
Answered a Question in A Doll's House
The concluding scene of Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House created quite a social stir within its historical context. In fact, the actress hired to perform the play in Flensburg, Germany, in 1880 was so... -
Answered a Question in The Handmaid's Tale
While most readers view Offred as either a victim or a heroine, there are some critics who argue that Offred herself contributes to allowing atrocities in Gilead society to continue. You might... -
Answered a Question in Fahrenheit 451
In section 2, titled "The Sieve and the Sand," Montag becomes much more introspective about the shortcomings of his society and how a lack of literature might be influencing a mindless populace.... -
Answered a Question in The Handmaid's Tale
In considering this quote, you might first examine Offred. As a handmaid, she is powerless in Gilead, forced to live where she is assigned and to endure rape in the hope of producing a child.... -
Answered a Question in The Tempest
You might first explore Prospero's misuse of power with Ariel, who is Prospero's servant. Prospero has previously promised to grant Ariel his freedom in exchange for Ariel's loyal service. After... -
Answered a Question in Jeffrey Archer
To answer this question, you first need to determine what it means to be a “man of honor.” This phrase is typically used to describe a person who demonstrates high moral conduct and is respected.... -
Answered a Question in The General in His Labyrinth
Chapter 3 of Gabriel García Márquez’s The General in His Labyrinth is a continuation of the General’s journey; the chapter includes many instances of flashback as the General reminisces upon the... -
Answered a Question in History
The United States entered the Vietnam War in 1964, nearly ten years after the conflict had begun. For the following eight years, as Zinn rightly claims, the United States embarked on an immense... -
Answered a Question in Joseph Addison
Joseph Addison's periodical essays, written in the early 1700s, reflect numerous aspects of social existence which are indicative of the social constructs of that era. For example, Addison... -
Answered a Question in The Giver
Let's begin by considering how Jonas changes through the various conflicts he faces in The Giver. Because he is gifted with memories and a deeper understanding of his society, you might consider... -
Answered a Question in History
To answer this question, you might consider the theory of a "Herrenvolk democracy," which is a political order that offers equality for a "master race but [is] tyrannical for subordinate groups."... -
Answered a Question in The Crucible
Arthur Miller uses several different types of propaganda throughout The Crucible. A type of propaganda he often uses is bandwagon; this type of propaganda convinces people to act or think a certain... -
Answered a Question in The Glass Castle
You might consider structuring your thesis to include the three main points of your body paragraphs. For example, your thesis might look something like this: By making responsible choices,... -
Answered a Question in Logan's Run
In order to fully consider this question, you might consider Logan, the protagonist in Logan's Run, with consideration to the way he changes due to the conflict he faces. Therefore, you might... -
Answered a Question in The Boat
It might be helpful to structure your essay by first finding themes which these two short stories by Nam Le share. Although you are working with two different plots and sets of characters, the... -
Answered a Question in The Handmaid's Tale
Mirrors, or the lack thereof, are used to symbolize the removal of personal identity among the handmaids in The Handmaid's Tale. There is only one mirror on display in the Commander's house; when... -
Answered a Question in So Far From God
Francisco el Penitente becomes obsessed with Caridad; the loss he feels following her suicide prompts him to take his own life. Francisco's fixation on Caridad is both physical and spiritual... -
Answered a Question in Margaret Laurence
In "Where the World Began," Margaret Laurence discusses the way memories formed during one's formative childhood years become a lens through which the rest of life is filtered. Laurence begins by... -
Answered a Question in Literature
The parent-child relationship is presented as emotionally complex in "Catrin." A daughter is seeking increasing independence, represented through her desire to skate "in the dark," which... -
Answered a Question in Romeo and Juliet
These lines are significant because they reflect themes of fate which are central to Romeo and Juliet. From the opening scene, the Prologue has indicated that the "ancient grudge" between the... -
Answered a Question in The Other Side of Truth
You might begin by examining themes of truth and courage that can be found in The Other Side of Truth. When confronted about going "too far" with his condemnation of the lack of educational... -
Answered a Question in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
You might consider how characterization, setting, and diction are used to create mystery and tension in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The opening of the novel begins with a... -
Answered a Question in Skellig
Michael, the protagonist and narrator of the story, meets his new neighbor Mina at the beginning of chapter 7. Her physical qualities are described in chapter 9. She is "little" with hair "as black... -
Answered a Question in Dover Beach
The central tone of Arnold's "Dover Beach" is laden with despair. In this poem, the speaker is filled with "melancholy" as the "Sea of Faith," which has sustained the earth for so long, retreats... -
Answered a Question in Pride and Prejudice
In Pride and Prejudice, Austen presents the idea of female accomplishment as an absurd social expectation that values women on the basis of arbitrary, exhausting standards. Mary is referred to as... -
Answered a Question in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
The reader response literary theory considers the reader central to the interpretation of the text. While the approaches are varied, this form of criticism asks the reader to actively create... -
Answered a Question in The Bloody Chamber
When examining this scene for evidence of patriarchal attitudes and gender inequality, pay particular attention to words which diminish a woman's position or show disrespect on the basis of her... -
Answered a Question in Chronicle of a Death Foretold
You might first consider how the linear structure of the narrative itself is disrupted through the use of flashbacks representing various points in the past. The novel begins, for example, with a... -
Answered a Question in Literature
The complication which is presented in "The Cold War" involves a dispute between two ice cream vendors who are battling for a thin profit margin in Salem, Oregon. The authors utilize a third-person... -
Answered a Question in Trifles
The inciting moment of a play, also known as its catalyst, is the the event which propels the protagonist into action. The inciting moment of Trifles occurs when Mr. Hale, who is neighbors with... -
Answered a Question in Trifles
In order to determine the conflict, it's important to first determine which character is the protagonist who is facing this conflict. Minnie Wright serves as the protagonist in the play, even... -
Answered a Question in Fahrenheit 451
When Montag returns home one evening, he finds that Mildred has overdosed on a bottle of pills. She is taken to the hospital where her stomach is pumped and her blood is replaced. One machine is... -
Answered a Question in Romeo and Juliet
Similes compare two unlike qualities or objects using the word like or as. The best example of a simile in this scene occurs in lines 9–10: These violent delights have violent ends And in their... -
Answered a Question in Kindred
In considering this quote, it might be helpful to first consider the history of slavery worldwide. Only in recent times has the enslavement of people been declared a violation of human rights;... -
Answered a Question in Death of a Salesman
When Willy returns home, Linda rushes to meet him. He is clearly exhausted, and her actions convey both concern and support. Willy evades her questions when she asks what has happened, but Linda... -
Answered a Question in Macbeth
In act 1, scene 4, King Duncan explains to Malcolm that appearances are often deceiving and that he regretted putting an "absolute trust" in the former Thane of Cawdor, who has recently been... -
Answered a Question in Literature
In Wilmer Mills's poem "Diary of a Piano Tuner's Wife," the speaker uses metaphors to convey her desire to live a life that is not defined by her husband's expectations or standards. She seeks a... -
Answered a Question in Anne Brontë
A critical appreciation of a poem should include a brief summary. You might want to approach this from a stanza-by-stanza perspective since this poem is fairly short. The poem opens with the... -
Answered a Question in The House on Mango Street
You might begin to examine the effect of a stream of consciousness organization in The House on Mango Street by considering the topics of the chapters. The titles reflect a nonlinear progression of... -
Answered a Question in The Story of an Hour
You might choose to examine the forbidden joy of feminine independence as one theme "The Story of an Hour." Introduced as "Mrs. Mallard" in the first line of the short story, Louise's identity is... -
Answered a Question in History
This film is examines the true spirit of the 13th Amendment, particularly the clause embedded in the middle (and is bolded below): Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a... -
Answered a Question in Dorothy Wordsworth
Relying heavily on personification and a contrast of imagery, the speaker of "Address to a Child During a Boisterous Winter Evening" conveys the ironic limitations of nature's threats. The poem... -
Answered a Question in John Rawls
In 1968, Rawls first published what came to be known as "The Difference Principle." All societies, he argued, include differences among members in areas such as race, abilities, economic standing,... -
Answered a Question in The Open Boat
As they struggle to make progress toward the potential of landfall, the oiler and the correspondent recognize the immense physical effort which continuous rowing will require. They therefore... -
Answered a Question in Logan's Run
I am working from an electronic text that doesn't have page numbers, so I will include chapters for your reference. Don't get me wrong, citizen. I'm no coward. I'm not going to run. I have my...
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