The Calendar of Literary Facts contains more than 6,500 events in literary history.
1945 Literary Facts
Evelyn Waugh publishes Brideshead Revisited
Hugh MacLennan publishes Two Solitudes
Chester Himes publishes If He Hollers, Let Him Go
John Hersey receives the Pulitzer Prize in fiction for A Bell for Adano
Hanay Geiogamah is born
Pat Booth is born
Jacques Roumain’s Bois d’ebene (Ebony Wood) is published
Leopold Sedar Senghor publishes Chants d’ombre
Jean-Paul Sartre publishes Huis-clos (No Exit)
Adam Clayton Powell Jr. publishes Marching Blacks: An Interpretive History of the Rise of the Black Common Man
Earle Birney publishes Now Is Time
Gabrielle Roy publishes Bonheur d’occasion (The Tin Flute)
George Orwell publishes Animal Farm
Gabriela Mistral receives the Nobel Prize for Literature
James Thurber publishes The Thurber Carnival
American B-29s drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
German forces surrender in May; Japanese forces surrender in September; World War II ends
First atomic bomb is detonated near Alamagordo, New Mexico
The United Nations is founded at a conference in San Francisco
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. publishes The Age of Jackson
Ezra Pound is arrested by Italian partisans and U.S. Army personnel for wartime radio broadcasts from fascist Italy; judged mentally unfit to stand trial, he is incarcerated in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington, D.C.
Mary Chase receives the Pulitzer Prize in drama for Harvey
Karl Shapiro receives the Pulitzer Prize in poetry for V-Letter and Other Poems
Bertrand Russell publishes A History of Western Philosophy
Ivo Andrič publishes Gospojica (The Women of Sarajevo)
Ivo Andrič publishes Travnicka hronika (Bosnian Chronicle)
E. B. White publishes Stuart Little
Robert Olen Butler is born
Explore: On Distant Ground, Tabloid Dreams, Robert Olen Butler
Michael Cristofer is born
Explore: The Shadow Box, Michael Cristofer
Michael Anthony Dorris is born
Explore: A Yellow Raft in Blue Water, Morning Girl, Michael Dorris
Franklin Roosevelt, Josef Stalin, and Winston Churchill meet at Yalta in the Crimea
Explore: Franklin D. Roosevelt
Shiva Naipaul is born
Explore: Fireflies, Shiva Naipaul
Anne Frank dies
August Wilson is born
Explore: Fences, The Piano Lesson, Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, Joe Turner's Come and Gone, August Wilson
Annie Dillard is born
Explore: Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, An American Childhood, The Writing Life, Annie Dillard
Dean Koontz is born
Explore: False Memory, The House of Thunder
S. E. K. Mqhayi dies
Explore: What contributions did S. E. K. Mqhayi make to South African culture and literature?
Albert Jay Nock dies
Hatcher Hughes dies
Pat Conroy is born
Explore: Beach Music, The Water Is Wide, Pat Conroy
Ellen Glasgow dies
Explore: The Difference, Ellen Glasgow
The Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunal begins, with Nazi leaders put on trial for crimes against humanity
Nuruddin Farah is born
Explore: Secrets, Nuruddin Farah
John Banville is born
Explore: John Banville
Theodore Dreiser dies
Explore: Sister Carrie, An American Tragedy, The Lost Phoebe, Theodore Dreiser, Evaluating Sister Carrie as a city novel