The Calendar of Literary Facts contains more than 6,500 events in literary history.
1925 Literary Facts
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is founded
In the "Monkey Trial," Tennessee schoolteacher John Scopes is tried for violating a state law prohibiting the teaching of Darwinian theory
The science of quantum mechanics is developed
Paul von Hindenburg becomes chancellor of Germany
Ellen Glasgow publishes Barren Ground
Edna Ferber receives the Pulitzer Prize in fiction for So Big
Sidney Howard receives the Pulitzer Prize in drama for They Knew What They Wanted
George E. Kelly’s Craig’s Wife is first performed
Anita Loos publishes “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”: The Illuminating Diary of a Professional Lady
Frederick Philip Grove publishes Settlers of the Marsh
Countee Cullen publishes Color
Jacques Maritain publishes Troi Réformateurs: Luther-Descartes-Rousseau (Three Reformers: Luther-Descartes-Rousseau)
Conrad Aiken publishes Senlin: A Biography
John Milton Oskison publishes Wild Harvest: A Novel of Transition Days in Oklahoma
Sherwood Anderson publishes Dark Laughter
Bernard Shaw receives the Nobel Prize for Literature
Amy Lowell publishes What’ss O’Clock
John Dos Passos publishes Manhattan Transfer
F. Scott Fitzgerald publishes The Great Gatsby
Thomas Mann publishes Death in Venice and Other Stories
Theodore Dreiser publishes An American Tragedy
Sinclair Lewis publishes Arrowsmith
Harold Ross founds The New Yorker, publishing poetry, short fiction, cartoons, and columns related to “sophisticated” life
Virginia Woolf publishes Mrs. Dalloway
Kimitake Hiraoka (Yukio Mishima) is born
Explore: Fountains in the Rain, Yukio Mishima
Robert Cormier is born
Explore: The Bumblebee Flies Anyway, Robert Cormier
Nina Bawden is born
Ernesto Cardenal is born
Explore: Ernesto Cardenal, Apocalypse
Jack Spicer is born
Explore: Jack Spicer
Russell Hoban is born
Explore: Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
James Lane Allen dies
Alex La Guma is born
Explore: A Walk in the Night, Alex La Guma, Blankets
Kenneth Koch is born
Explore: Paradiso, Kenneth Koch
Flannery O’Connor is born
Explore: A Good Man Is Hard to Find, Flannery O'Connor
The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters is organized by A. Philip Randolph
Amy Lowell dies
Explore: Amy Lowell, Meeting-House Hill, Patterns, What figurative language, symbolism, and imagery are in Amy Lowell's "The Taxi"?
H. Rider Haggard dies
Explore: H. Rider Haggard, She/Ayesha
William Hoffman is born
Explore: William Hoffman
Malcolm Little (Malcolm X) is born
Explore: The Autobiography of Malcolm X, The Speeches of Malcolm X, Malcolm X
Rosario Castellanos is born
Explore: Cooking Lesson, Rosario Castellanos
Tony Hillerman is born
Explore: Sacred Clowns, Talking God, Dance Hall of the Dead, A Thief of Time, Tony Hillerman
Maxine Kumin is born
Explore: Address to the Angels, Maxine Kumin, What is the poem "Woodchucks" by Maxine Kumin about?
William Styron is born
Explore: Sophie's Choice, William Styron
Frantz Fanon is born
Explore: Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth
Brian Aldiss is born
Explore: Frankenstein Unbound, Brian W. Aldiss, Brian Aldiss
Donald Justice is born
Explore: Incident in a Rose Garden, Donald Justice, Men at Forty
Russell Baker is born
Explore: Russell Baker, Growing Up
John Hawkes is born
Explore: The Lime Twig, John Hawkes
Enrique Buenaventura is born
Forrest Carter is born
Explore: The Education of Little Tree, Forrest Carter
Gore Vidal is born
Explore: Visit to a Small Planet, Gore Vidal
Shana Alexander is born
Andrei Sinyavsky is born
Explore: Andrei Sinyavsky, Pkhentz
James Clavell is born
Explore: King Rat, Whirlwind, James Clavell
Elmore Leonard is born
Explore: Elmore Leonard, The Hot Kid
Charles Gordone is born
Explore: Charles Gordone
Frank D. Gilroy is born
Explore: The Subject Was Roses, Frank D. Gilroy
Dominick Dunne is born
Explore: The Two Mrs. Grenvilles
William F. Buckley Jr. is born
Wladyslaw Reymont dies
John A. Williams is born
Explore: John A. Williams
Carolyn Kizer is born
Explore: To an Unknown Poet, Carolyn Kizer, Bitch