
The Calendar of Literary Facts contains more than 6,500 events in literary history.

1911 Literary Facts

J. E. Casely-Hayford publishes Ethiopia Unbound

Ambrose Bierce publishes The Devil’s Dictionary

Maurice Maeterlinck receives the Nobel Prize for Literature

Max Beerbohm publishes Zuleika Dobson

Roald Amundsen reaches the South Pole

The Manchu Dynasty is overthrown in China, in the Revolution of 1911; the Republic of China is founded, with Sun Yat-sen as provisional president

G. K. Chesterton publishes The Innocence of Father Brown

Edith Wharton publishes Ethan Frome

Audrey Wurdemann is born

Elizabeth Bishop is born

Explore: The Fish, One Art, Elizabeth Bishop

L. Ron Hubbard is born

Bienvenido N. Santos is born

Explore: Bienvenido N. Santos

Max Frisch is born

Explore: Homo Faber, The Firebugs, Max Frisch

Fritz Hochwaelder is born

W. S. Gilbert dies

Explore: The Gondoliers, The Pirates of Penzance

Terence Rattigan is born

Explore: Terence Rattigan, The Winslow Boy

Josephine Miles is born

Explore: Josephine Miles

Ernesto Sábato is born

Explore: On Heroes and Tombs, Ernesto Sábato, The Outsider

Czesław Miłosz is born

Explore: Czesław Miłosz, A Song on the End of the World

Jose Maria Arguedas is born

Explore: José María Arguedas

Marshall McLuhan is born

Explore: Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media

E. F. Schumacher is born

William Golding is born

Explore: Lord of the Flies, The Inheritors, William Golding

Odysseus Alepoudhelis (Odysseus Elytis) is born

Explore: Odysseus Elytis

William Attaway is born

Explore: William Attaway

Naguib Mahfouz is born

Explore: Half a Day, Naguib Mahfouz, Arabian Nights and Days

Kenneth Patchen is born

Explore: Kenneth Patchen

Hortense Calisher is born

Explore: Hortense Calisher